On 5-Mar-2009, at 19:15, Noel Jones wrote:
Oh, and recent postfix marks authenticated headers; note the ESTMPSA. S = StartTLS, A = Authenticated

Received: from [] (adsl-19-247-14.bna.bellsouth.net [])
        by mgate2.vbhcs.org (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id BAF4A797A6A;
        Thu,  5 Mar 2009 20:09:39 -0600 (CST)

That is very cool, I didn't know that. Of course in my case we're not using TLS, so the header has ESMTPA, but still, quite useful.

a regexp something like
/^(Received: .* myhostname \(Postfix\) with ESTMPS?A .*)$/

should do the trick.

I really like that, there's all sorts of possibilities here. Would it be bad to strip out the IPs (usually local/private) from these headers?

/^(Received: from )\[\d\d?\d?\.d\d?\d?\.d\d?\d?\.d\d?\d?\](.* myhostname \(Postfix\) with ESMTPS?A .)$/
  REPLACE X-$1"[internal LAN]"$2

/^(Received: from [^\[].* myhostname \(Postfix\) with ESTMPS?A .*)$/


I'm thinking that cleanup is called for all messages, which is why you would only want this on a submission port and not just on the regular cleanup service. Although the "Received: from [ip.ip.ip.ip]" form never shows up on external mail since bare-ip mailservers are banned anyway.

<Athene> we all have our moments when we lose it
<Slyspy> the key is though, to conceal the evidence before the police arrive

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