On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 12:27 +0700, Olivier Nicole wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to know if the following canonical rewrite is possible with
> Postfix, and how?
> In my LDAP directory, for each user, I have a givenName and a
> familyName attributes. 
> The canonical name should be givenName.familyName or
> familyName.givenName, the order is depending on a thrid attribute
> (certain countries put the family name before the given name...)
> Then the string should be rewritten to replace all non alphanumerical
> characters by an hyphen.
> Is that possible with a combination of ldap: and regexp:, and how?
> On the other hand, if I receive and email addressed to some canonical
> name, how/where is the correspondance made with the uid?
> Best regards,
> Olivier
Perhaps view the problem a different way?

Why not make your LDAP query lookup against the email address and any
alias fields in the LDAP? That is, fix the LDAP to have the data the
mail server can work with, rather than make the mail server guess what a
mailbox should be.

Probably possible to script something to run around the houses playing
lookup guessing games but seems to be making lots of work that is hard.

C Werclick .Lot
Technical incompetent
Loyal Order Of The Teapot.

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