On Wednesday 19 August 2009, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Chris Smith:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm hoping to obtain some confirmation on the data format the sendmail
> > interface expects, I am under the impression that as a NIX program it
> > will expect emails using LF for new lines as opposed to the SMTP
> > standard of CRLF. How does this apply to line folding? Does Postfix then
> > expect LFWSP as opposed to CRLFWSP?
> The Postfix sendmail command expects a PRE-FORMATTED message.  The
> result of ill-formatted messages is undefined (gargabe in, garbage
> out).
> The format should be consistent with RFC 5322 (RFC 2822, RFC 822)
> and with MIME if applicable.  Text is expected to be in native UNIX
> stream-LF format.

A little offtopic maybe but are there rfc2822 rfc822 validator programs out 

I have not encountered one but it sure would be handy to send an output of a 
validator program to some developers to give them a kick to make the programs 
a little more complient with the rfc.

Simple things make people happy.
Willy De la Court
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