Le 11/11/2011 00:45, Steve Fatula a écrit :
> This check says that the RFC requires a fully qualified hostname for HELO. 
> Most internet searches show this to be a "safe" check that shouldn't really 
> kill any real mail. Lately, noticed no ebay mail was coming through, looked 
> through the logs and see entires like:
> Nov  9 20:30:58 host2 postfix/smtpd[16167]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 
> mxpool19.ebay.com[]: 504 5.5.2 <mx88>: Helo command rejected: 
> need fully-qualified hostname; from=<e...@ebay.com> 
> to=<m...@hiddendomain.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<mx88>
> mx88 is of course not a FQDN. So, it was correctly rejected per the setting. 
> Obviously, I can try and whitelist all the ebay servers, but, it's a slight 
> pain. Could be a moving target, etc. This would allow me to keep the setting, 
> but....
> Since this did block mail from a rather well known common mailer, I am 
> starting to wonder how safe this check really is. Perhaps it's not so safe. 
> Yes, that is a configuration error on ebays part, but, I don't think you 
> really want to block ebay mail.
> Are you finding this is not as safe a check as it should be, since presumably 
> the RFC requires it, still, people make mistakes? Is it really of much use 
> these days anyway for blocking spam?

AFAICT, the check is safe. wait for some time and see if they don't fix
their setup.

A lot of "write a web app that sends mail" sites get into such problems
when they upgrade their web apps. (yep, the solution is easy: use an
outbound relay that detects issues and either rejects or fixes the
problems. unfortunately, many sites send directly or they configure
their outbound relay too lazily...).

if they get many errors, they notice the problem and fix it. so keep
rejecting them. (if they don't notice or fix the problem quickly, that's
a different matter. post here and/or on spam-l so that someone gets a
contact there...).

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