Am 18.08.2013 07:32, schrieb Theodotos Andreou:
> I went through the TLS Readme but I couldn't find a clear answer to the 
> following question:


since postfix in this case is the *xclient* here you go

> Can you configure postfix in a way that it connects using TLS to another SMTP 
> server, if TLS is available on the
> other side? For example if the destination server supports TLS then postfix 
> opens a TLS connection to it.

cat /etc/postfix/ | grep smtp_ | grep tls
smtp_use_tls                                        = yes
smtp_tls_loglevel                                   = 1
smtp_tls_cert_file                                  = 
smtp_tls_key_file                                   = 
smtp_tls_CAfile                                     = 
smtp_tls_security_level                             = may
smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer                        = yes
smtp_tls_session_cache_timeout                      = 3600s
smtp_tls_session_cache_database                     = 
smtp_tls_exclude_ciphers                            = DES-CBC3-SHA

> Further more can this be done even if you have a self-signed certificate on 
> the destination?


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