On 14 Feb 2015, at 04:39 , li...@rhsoft.net wrote:
> Am 14.02.2015 um 11:30 schrieb LuKreme:
>> Has anyone had any sort of issue with a check like this:
>> /(unknown|localhost|localdomain|lan|home|example|local|lokal)$/ REJECT 
>> Mailserver name in private namespace
>> I’ve noticed a lot of commercial non-spam email hitting this recently (for 
>> example, landmarktheatres ticket confirmations, a local restaurant's email 
>> verification for signup, and some others along those lines). In fact, the 
>> split between obvious spam and no-spam seems to be about 80/20 with low 
>> hitrate either way.
>> Yes, I know their mail servers are mis-configured
> put any PTR and HELO checks at the *bottom* of your restrictions and conigure 
> the SPF check as well as much as possible DNSWL to skip them

Hmm. I usually put cheap checks first.

Reading on SPF in postfix I see:

> The greylisting and SPF policies are implemented externally,

Which I thought was no longer true.

# postconf -d | grep spf
spf_explanation =
spf_global_whitelist = no
spf_local_policy =
spf_mark_only = no
spf_patch_version = 1.1.0
spf_received_header = yes
spf_reject_code = 550
spf_reject_dsn = 5.7.1

I haven’t setup SPF in postfix, but those are the default setting. Searching 
postfix.org site for spf_local_policy returns no hits so I’ve not found the 
documentation on these settings. It may be on my computer.


> hence no real problems here while we update the checks automatically once per 
> day by the current http://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt to not 
> miss new TLD's and jeject any non-existing

Well, .local is definitely a non-existing tld, and any mail server using that 
as it’s helo is badly broken. It used to be a 100% spam indicator for me, but 
now it is less so.

> /etc/python-policyd-spf/policyd-spf.conf

Ah, I will ook at installing that package. Thanks.

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