On 1/17/2022 10:12 AM, Jim Popovitch wrote:

I'm trying to get a complex header_check to work, and unfortunately it
isn't. :(  I started in #postfix and figured I would follow up here too.

The goal is to put mail on HOLD if it is not spam and is destined for 2
role accounts.  Any help is much appreciated.

~$ cat header_checks.pcre
if /^X-Spam-Status: No/
/^To:.*admin@/                          HOLD
/^To:.*owner@/                          HOLD

header_checks operates on a single header at a time, so an action based on two headers is not possible.

You'll need to use a milter or content_filter for complex actions based on multiple headers, such as milter_regex

  -- Noel Jones

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