Thanks for your time & advice Regina, I appreciate it.

I still can't get this to work as I think it should, so have included actual 
SQL's to show what I'm doing, using ST_GeneratePoints() this time...

I create a db & add the postgis extension....
Then create the two tables to test, inserting 3 empty geometries in one & a 
simple linestring in the other:
create table events (id        integer,                     jittered  
insert into events (id) values (1);insert into events (id) values (2);insert 
into events (id) values (3);
create table std_tow (id    integer,                      std_track 
insert into std_tow values (1, ST_SetSRID(                                 
ST_MakeLine(                                    ST_MakePoint(176,-47),          
),                         4326));             

I want to update the empty linestrings in one table (events) with slightly 
randomised versions of the linestring in the other 
(std_tow).ST_GeneratePoints() supposedly generates random points (in a polygon 
created by buffering the vertices in the standard linestring) without a seed, 
so I run it with no seed & view the results:
update events
set jittered = ST_Makeline(
        (select ST_GeometryN(
         from std_tow),
        (select ST_GeometryN(
         from std_tow));select ST_AsText(jittered) from events;
LINESTRING(175.99658281229873 -46.99893493622685,177.0081812507064 
LINESTRING(175.99658281229873 -46.99893493622685,177.0081812507064 
LINESTRING(175.99658281229873 -46.99893493622685,177.0081812507064 
(3 rows)

I get three identical linestrings. 
I figured I'd use a different integer random seed (between 0 and 1000) in 
ST_GeneratePoints() to force a different result each time:
update events
set jittered = ST_Makeline(
        (select ST_GeometryN(
         from std_tow),
        (select ST_GeometryN(
         from std_tow));
select ST_AsText(jittered) from events;
 LINESTRING(175.9943248467802 -46.996045972449906,176.9919097521138 
 LINESTRING(175.9943248467802 -46.996045972449906,176.9919097521138 
 LINESTRING(175.9943248467802 -46.996045972449906,176.9919097521138 
(3 rows)

I get different vertices from the first attempt, but all 3 records are still 
the same values - despite supposedly having a different seed.
I figure the Postgres query optimiser must be reusing the result from the 
subqueries rather than recalculating it each time, but am not sure, and the 
optimiser cannot be turned off.

What am I doing wrong??? (or how can I do it right!!)

Much appreciated,

    On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 06:44:16 AM GMT+13, Regina Obe 
<> wrote:  
Well when I run random()  I do get a different answer for each run so random 
behaves as I would expect.  I didn’t look that closely at your query with 




SELECT random()

FROM generate_series(1,100);


Even if within the same row, the random numbers are different:


SELECT random(), random()

FROM generate_series(1,10);


If you were doing random()::integer as input into ST_GeneratePoints, I thought 
maybe that was a typo on your end.  Then your random number would only be 0 or 
1, which is not that random.


So if you really were doing ST_GeneratePoints(geom, random()::integer) then 
that would explain why you got much less than random results with 



From: Brent Wood <> 
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2023 1:29 AM
To: Regina Obe <>; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Generating new random points throughout an update


Hi Regina,


The seed was an int generated from random(), so I'd expected to generate a 
different result every time. This didn't happen.


Do I understand that if I omit the seed, I'll get a different point each time 
by default?







On Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 06:01:37 PM GMT+13, Regina Obe 
<> wrote: 



If you want the answer different each time, you don’t want to feed a seed to 

The seed argument was added because some people wanted to generate the same 
answer for each run.  (note the sentence: The 
optional seed is used to regenerate a deterministic sequence of points, and 
must be greater than zero.)



From: postgis-users <> On Behalf Of Brent 
Wood via postgis-users
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 11:53 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion <>
Cc: Brent Wood <>
Subject: [postgis-users] Generating new random points throughout an update


Hopefully someone can help with a problem I'm having.


I have a table with simple linestrings that I need to create a randomly 
modified version of.


The linestrings represent vessel tracks. I can identify a set of "similar" 
tracks & create a single "average" linestring that is somewhat representative.


Many of the records don't have a linestring, but for statistical purposes I 
need to assign a linestring to each - by creating a jittered version of the 
average linestring so they are not all identical.


The simplest approach I have tried is to use an update with ST_Project() given 
a random() distance & random() direction applied to each vertex in the average 


I use the first two vertices with ST_Makeline(), then append a vertex for the 
third point, as in the SQL below. 


My problem is that every new line is identical. From some Googled hints, I 
figure the optimiser has decided to run random() once & re-use the value 
instead of running the function for every iteration (but I could be wrong!).


Any suggestions as to how I can force a different random result for each record 
that is updated?

I also tried using ST_GeneratePoints() in a buffer around each point, but need 
to use something like (random()::int as the seed, and this seems to do exactly 
the same - valid linestrings are generated, but they are identical, so I'm 
assuming the seed is not being recalculated for each record.



update events
set jittered = ST_MakeLine(
                           (select ST_Project(
                           from std_tow),
                  (select ST_Project(
                           from std_tow)





  Brent Wood

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