It's your bad luck to have geometries that make PostGIS fail...   8^)

If there's geometries which cause problems with certain operations, the most helpful thing to do is to post them along with a description of the problem. That gives a fighting chance to fix them when further development is done.

So Java2D worked on your problem? I have to admit, I'm impressed how robust Java2D is. If I could understand their algorithm I'd be keen on trying to follow their approach to get the same level of robustness in JTS/GEOS...

Bresnahan, Mike wrote:
Hash: SHA256

Welp, I think I have given up on trying to do the union inside PostGIS
because I can't make it fast and reliable. Instead I have decided to use
Java2D to perform the union. I ended up doing the same thing with
Oracle. Both Oracle and PostGIS have been bad at doing CAG operations
when compared to Java2D and ESRI ArcGIS. Is that just my bad luck or is
there something fundamental going on here?

Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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