Hi Yesid,

perhaps it would make sense to split the query after the creation of the pointonsurface points and to put a CREATE INDEX on the pointonsurface points and the wkb_geometries in between. I could imagine the left joins would be much faster then.

Good luck,


Am 22.10.2012 18:09, schrieb Yesid Carrillo Vega:
This question has a long history. Theoretically has good solutions that worked for me:
A good hint for this solution is that input geometries MUST BE SINGLE not MULTI. It cost me a few days guessing that:

SELECT a.ogc_fid AS ogc_fid_a, b.ogc_fid AS ogc_fid_b, new_polys.wkb_geometry as wkb_geometry
SELECT geom AS wkb_geometry, ST_PointOnSurface(geom) AS pip
SELECT ST_Polygonize(wkb_geometry) AS wkb_geometry
SELECT ST_Union(wkb_geometry) AS wkb_geometry
SELECT ST_ExteriorRing(ST_GeometryN(wkb_geometry,1)) AS wkb_geometry
FROM table1
SELECT ST_ExteriorRing(ST_GeometryN(wkb_geometry,1)) AS wkb_geometry
FROM table2
) AS all_lines
) AS noded_lines
) AS new_polys
LEFT JOIN table1 a ON ST_Within(new_polys.pip, a.wkb_geometry)
LEFT JOIN table2 b ON ST_Within(new_polys.pip, b.wkb_geometry)

However, applying it into a real world case, give me a painful query plan result 158.66..5687848.83:

"Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=158.66..5687848.83 rows=3685449 width=40)"
" Join Filter: st_within(st_pointonsurface(st_dump.geom), a.wkb_geometry)"
"  InitPlan 1 (returns $0)"
"    ->  Aggregate  (cost=158.65..158.66 rows=1 width=32)"
"          ->  Aggregate  (cost=158.63..158.64 rows=1 width=32)"
"                ->  Append  (cost=0.00..156.50 rows=850 width=32)"
" -> Seq Scan on table1 (cost=0.00..146.09 rows=809 width=32)" " -> Seq Scan on table2 (cost=0.00..10.41 rows=41 width=32)"
"  ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=0.00..21033.01 rows=13667 width=36)"
" Join Filter: st_within(st_pointonsurface(st_dump.geom), b.wkb_geometry)" " -> Function Scan on st_dump (cost=0.00..10.00 rows=1000 width=32)"
"        ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..10.62 rows=41 width=165799)"
" -> Seq Scan on table2 b (cost=0.00..10.41 rows=41 width=165799)"
"  ->  Materialize  (cost=0.00..150.13 rows=809 width=23296)"
" -> Seq Scan on table1 a (cost=0.00..146.09 rows=809 width=23296)"

My data:
table1:879 rows
table2:41 rows

Please some advice to make this query more time friendly, specially with st_pointonsurface part.

/Yesid Carrillo/

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