Holger Macht wrote:
> On Fri 27. Jan - 18:38:53, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> this is an unofficial HOWTO about installing (k)powersave the
>> Gentoo Way(TM). Hopefully this saves Gentoo users some trouble when they
>> try to get (k)powersave up and running.
>> As (k)powersave is not (yet) officially included in the Gentoo portage
>> tree we will use something called a "portage overlay" [1].
>> I will explain the procedure step by step
> [...]
> Cool.
> I hope we have your acceptance to distribute this HOWTO as a README.gentoo
> in our tarballs (powersave and kpowersave)?

Of course, I just wanted to have some feedback first before publishing
it. You would also have to provide the portage_overlay.tar.bz2 tarball
somewhere  (and add the link to the HOWTO) otherwise the HOWTO is pretty
Maybe I put the tarball on my website myself and try to keep it up to
date (or use a SVN repo instead), but that depends on if there are
actually Gentoo users out there that use this overlay and if I have the
time to maintain it properly.
I would prefer if someone who is actively using Gentoo, to take over the
maintainership of this files. As you know I'm a Debian user and did this
Gentoo ebuild just for fun.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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