Dear Murphy:

Thanks. Now I add some extra events and named it
as  like below:

from pox.core import core
import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of

from pox.lib.revent.revent import EventMixin
log = core.getLogger()

class define_event(EventMixin):
  _eventMixin_events = set([raise_fail])

class Fail_server_invoke(object):
  def __init__(self, intervals):
    self.connections = set()# Attribute
    self.interval = intervals
    define_event.addListeners(self) #Add Listener
    log.debug(" --------------------------------- ")
    log.debug(" Fail_server_invoke_class wait for raise_fail event ")
    log.debug(" --------------------------------- ")

  def _handle_raise_fail (self, event):
    log.debug("Server failed")

But I got some problems when I use another component to add following lines
in launch function.

core.registerNew( Fail_server_invoke, interval)

And I also import the module Fail_server_invoke like below:
from Fail_server_invoke import *

The error message is 'NameError: name 'raise_fail' is not defined', but I
already define 'raise_fail' in

Thanks for helping.

Best Regards,

2013/3/30 Murphy McCauley <>

> On Mar 29, 2013, at 11:40 PM, chenli wrote:
> > 1. The meaning for registering
> > Is core.registerNew(Mycomponent) the function to register to core
> object, and we can use the methods in core which defined in
> /pox/pox/ ?
> >
> > If I register the Mycomponent to core, the other components can
> communicate with Mycomponent by core object?
> I think the answer here is yes.  One of the purposes of the core object is
> to provide a rendezvous point for component instances.  This allows a
> number of things, not all of which are really used extensively at this
> point:
> 1) It means you often just need to import core instead of a whole bunch of
> modules.
> 2) Multiple components that all implement the same interface can register
> under the same name and other components can find the active one.
> 3) It's not always clear where long-lived objects should be.  One option
> is as a global variable of some module.  core is a (possibly) more
> structured alternative which (among other things) hopefully encourages
> components to be capable of being instantiated more than once.  (In
> practice, this is rarely true so far.)
> > 2. The code section for raising ConnectionUp event
> > And the second problem , I want to know where is the raiseEvent which
> raise ConnectionUp event happened. In other words, maybe it looks like
> core.openflow.raiseEvent(ConnectionUp).
> I'm not sure why it's helpful to know exactly where this event is raised,
> but it's in openflow.of_01 along with the rest of the stuff specific to
> communicating with OpenFlow 1.0 switches (not counting the stuff related to
> the OpenFlow protocol itself which is in libopenflow_01).
> It's slightly more complicated than just raising it on core.openflow.
>  Connection objects are "owned" by an OpenFlowNexus.  core.openflow is the
> default nexus, but there can be others.  So the actual ConnectionUp event
> is raised on whichever nexus the Connection belongs to.
> -- Murphy

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