Please see "What are these log messages from the packet subsystem?" in the POX 

-- Murphy

On Aug 19, 2014, at 1:29 PM, 张伟 <> wrote:

> Yes, just now I change the event to like that
> def _handle_PacketIn (event):
>         packet = event.parsed
>         msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
>         msg.match = of.ofp_match.from_packet(packet, event.port);
>         msg.buffer_id = event.ofp.buffer_id
>         msg.idle_timeout = 10
>         msg.idle_timeout = 30
>         msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 1))
> = event.ofp
>         event.connection.send(msg)
> def launch ():
>     '''
>     Starting the Firewall module
>     '''
>     core.openflow.addListenerByName("PacketIn", _handle_PacketIn)
>"test miss flow")
> It seems it can work. However, pox still gives this warning:
> INFO:packet:(udp parse) warning UDP packet data shorter than UDP len: 96 < 962
> INFO:packet:(udp parse) warning UDP packet data shorter than UDP len: 96 < 962
> Can you give some guidance, why it has this warning.
> This is my packet_in message 
> void get_header(struct request *req, struct ofp_packet_in *pi)
> {
>         char *header;
>         struct rte_mbuf  *pkt = req->pkt;
>         header = (char *)(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt, unsigned char *));
>         memcpy(pi->data, header, OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN);
> }
> static int make_packet_in(int xid, int buffer_id, char *buf)
> {
>         struct ofp_packet_in *pi;
>         struct request *req;
>         int len;
>         pi = (struct ofp_packet_in *)buf;
>         pi->header.version = OFP_VERSION;
>         pi->header.type = OFPT_PACKET_IN;
>         pi->header.xid = htonl(xid);
>         req = (struct request *)ring_peek(&to_channel, buffer_id);
>         if (req == NULL) {
>                 fprintf(stderr, "req NULL pointer.\n");
>                 return 0;
>         }
>         else {
>                 pi->in_port = req->in_port;
>                 pi->buffer_id = htonl(req->buffer_id);
>                 pi->reason = OFPR_NO_MATCH;
>                 pi->pad = 0;
>                 get_header(req, pi);
>         }
>         len = sizeof(*pi) + OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN;
>         pi->header.length = htons(len);
>         pi->total_len = htons(len);
>         return len;
> }
> Whehter the len is not correct?
> At 2014-08-20 04:10:54, "Murphy McCauley" <> wrote:
> >It seems like you want to be listening to the PacketIn event, not the 
> >ConnectionUp event.
> >
> >-- Murphy
> >
> >On Aug 19, 2014, at 12:35 PM, wrote:
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >> 
> >> I want to manually set a flow for test. The switch sends a packet_in 
> >> message to pox controller. 
> >> This is the code:
> >> from pox.core import core
> >> import pox.openflow.libopenflow_01 as of
> >> from pox.lib.revent import *
> >> from pox.lib.addresses import IPAddr, EthAddr
> >> from collections import namedtuple
> >> from pox.lib.util import str_to_bool, dpid_to_str
> >> from pox.lib.packet.ipv4 import ipv4
> >> from pox.lib.packet.ethernet import ethernet
> >> from pox.lib.packet.tcp import *
> >> from pox.lib.packet.udp import *
> >> import os
> >> 
> >> log = core.getLogger()
> >> 
> >> class Test_output_port (EventMixin):
> >>    def __init__ (self):
> >>        self.listenTo(core.openflow)
> >> 
> >>    def _handle_ConnectionUp (self, event):
> >>        packet = event.parsed
> >>        msg = of.ofp_flow_mod()
> >>        msg.match = of.ofp_match.from_packet(packet, event.port);
> >>        msg.buffer_id = event.ofp.buffer_id
> >>        msg.idle_timeout = 10
> >>        msg.idle_timeout = 30
> >>        msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port = 1))
> >> = event.ofp
> >>        event.connection.send(msg), 
> >> 
> >> def launch ():
> >>    '''
> >>    Starting the Firewall module
> >>    '''
> >>    core.registerNew(Test_output_port)
> >> 
> >> When test, it shows the following error. If anybody knows the reason, and 
> >> can give some help, I will appreciate. 
> >> POX 0.2.0 (carp) / Copyright 2011-2013 James McCauley, et al.
> >> DEBUG:core:POX 0.2.0 (carp) going up...
> >> DEBUG:core:Running on CPython (2.7.3/Sep 26 2013 20:03:06)
> >> DEBUG:core:Platform is 
> >> Linux-3.2.0-58-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-12.04-precise
> >> INFO:core:POX 0.2.0 (carp) is up.
> >> DEBUG:openflow.of_01:Listening on
> >> WARNING:openflow.of_01:<class 'pox.openflow.PacketIn'> raised on dummy 
> >> OpenFlow nexus
> >> INFO:openflow.of_01:[00-00-00-00-00-01 1] connected
> >> ERROR:core:Exception while handling OpenFlowNexus!ConnectionUp...
> >> Traceback (most recent call last):
> >>  File "/home/guest/controller/pox/pox/lib/revent/", line 231, in 
> >> raiseEventNoErrors
> >>    return self.raiseEvent(event, *args, **kw)
> >>  File "/home/guest/controller/pox/pox/lib/revent/", line 278, in 
> >> raiseEvent
> >>    rv = event._invoke(handler, *args, **kw)
> >>  File "/home/guest/controller/pox/pox/lib/revent/", line 156, in 
> >> _invoke
> >>    return handler(self, *args, **kw)
> >>  File "/home/guest/controller/pox/pox/misc/", line 25, in 
> >> _handle_ConnectionUp
> >>    packet = event.parsed
> >> AttributeError: 'ConnectionUp' object has no attribute 'parsed'

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