Reflection : Bukan saja listirik yang membuat kegelapan hari depan, tetapi 
kehdupan rakyat sehari-hari pun selalu digelapkan oleh penguasa NKRI. Hanya 
orang-orang linglung yang  mau percaya kepada jampi-jampi penipuan mereka.

Indonesian Energy: Black Future? 
Written by Terry Lacey    
Thursday, 13 May 2010 

Despite brave talk of a green future, coal will probably power the country 

Indonesia is facing a long-term energy shortage that may well be worse than 
anybody envisions at the moment, and appears to be doing little to face the 
needs. Despite lip service to a green future, the latest long-range projections 
from the Ministry of Mines and Energy show growing dependence on coal, rising 
from 36.5 percent now, to 52 percent in 2025 and 86 percent by2050.

Thus the future will likely be black, or coal will have to be greened. What has 
happened to all this renewable energy we are supposed to develop? The number of 
gigawatts (GW) or bundles of 10,000 megawatts (MW) that Indonesia will need to 
install only for the Java-Madura-Bali area system run by state power firm PLN 
is projected to rise from 36 GW in 2010 to 94 GW by 2025, leaping to an 
astounding 519 GW by 2050.

After 2025 demand for power is expected to grow geometrically, requiring an 
increase of 8 GW per year until 2030; 10.5 GW per year until 2035 and 15 GW per 
year up to 2040. As of 2008, only 65 percent of Indonesia's population had 
access to electrical power. Thus these projections do not include the needs of 
82 million Indonesians representing 35 percent of the domestic power market who 
now have no electricity at all. If the economy continues to develop at its 
current pace, they will come into the consumer energy market as their incomes 
rise. In addition, an estimated 20,000 tiny, small, medium and larger captive 
power stations run by everything from big industry to remote communities must 
be upgraded and replaced. 

The country has already faced nagging power shortages in some areas due to 
inadequate transmission and distribution infrastructure. The first "fast-track 
power program," started in 2006, was designed to add 10,000 megawatts to the 
power grid. It is years behind schedule and was seriously delayed by unduly low 
pricing for power, volatile coal supply prices and huge logistical problems, 
additional problems convincing Chinese export banks to lend in the face of a 
lack of state guarantees. The second phase, which is designed to include 
considerably more environmentally friendly energy sources such as geothermal, 
wind, etc, is equally far behind schedule. The whole program is reportedly 
mired in multi-ministry delays on permits, permissions and procedures, plus the 
negative impact of a tradition of corruption and inefficiency extending to PLN, 
the state monopoly power utility and much of public administration. 

When a transitional economy grows as fast as Indonesia's is - currently gross 
domestic product is expected to grow at 7 percent for 2010 - its demand for 
power does not grow proportionally to its economic growth rate of 6 or 7 
percent, but grows at a disproportionately higher speed as personal incomes 
take off.

By mid-century about 285 million Indonesians will be struggling for a better 
life and higger incomes and will not be denied their shopping centers, 
electronic and white goods and hybrid electric cars. The long range estimates 
predict by 2025, 4.5 GW of hydro, 4 GW of nuclear power and 3 GW of geothermal 
and no mention of wind, solar or biomass. This simply isn't good enough, with 
renewables including nuclear supplying only 12 percent of total energy needs 
for the Java Bali system, and this falls to 6 percent by 2050.

But Indonesia has an estimated 27 GW of geothermal reserves, and could do much 
better on expansion of renewable and nuclear energy. The long-range projections 
say the two combined will only contribute 6 percent of energy by 2050 and two 
thirds of this will be nuclear. Renewables will contribute 2 only percent. This 
is peanuts. Total estimated world capacity for geothermal development might be 
70 GW for the 21st century. Indonesia will need this much between 2035 and 

Looking at these figures Hilmi Panigoro, chairman of Medco, Indonesia's largest 
local power company, now focusing on upstream oil and gas, predicted that by 
2015 more than half of the company's energy development business would be 
outside Indonesia in countries like Libya, with a big push at home into 
renewables, especially geothermal, alongside diversification into agriculture 
for fuel crops and food.

Asked why there is so much emphasis on overseas energy development, and whether 
that reflects falling energy resources, or a poor business environment, Hilmi 
replied, "A bit of both." Hilmi said the Indonesian power sector needs 
certainty, clearer fiscal policies and better energy pricing.

After all in the Donggi-Senoro gas field case the government effectively said 
to Medco, that you can't sell abroad, you must sell in Indonesia probably at a 
lower price and you must wait for us to install the infrastructure so you can 
do it. 

But you dont have to wait to invest in Libya. You do not have to be a rocket 
scientist to work this out. So Indonesia needs new energy policies, more 
renewables, more energy efficiency, better regulations, more certainty, better 
energy pricing, green incentives instead of fossil fuel subsidy disincentives, 
more liberalization, a bigger role for the private sector. And much faster 
government decisions.

Terry Lacey is a development economist who writes from Jakarta.

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