Saudi women open fire and punch virtue police 

May 23, 2010 - 9:24AM 
Women are reportedly fighting back against Saudi Arabia's so-called virtue 
police, with one married woman opening fire and another punching an officer.

The incident involving the married woman happened when she was caught in an 
"illegal seclusion" with another man in Ha'il last week, reported The Los 
Angeles Times.

"She shot at the officers to distract them and allow the man to escape instant 
detention," Sheik Mutlak al Nabet, a spokesman for Commission for the Promotion 
of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, known as the religious police, told the Times.

The woman's husband has asked the police to punish his wife and strip of her 
Saudi nationality, as it is illegal for women to socialise with unrelated men 
or walk in public without a male guardian.

A few days earlier a young woman had reportedly punched an officer of the 
religious police in Al Mubarrazz so badly he had to go to hospital to be 
treated for bruising.

Saudi newspaper Okaz wrote that the woman lashed out when the policeman 
challenged on the relationship she had with a man she was with in a public 
park. She now could face jail or the lash.

The Los Angeles Times reported Saudi human rights activist Wajiha Huwaidar as 
saying: "People are so fed up with these religious police, and now they have to 
pay the price for the humiliation they put people through for years and years.

"This is just the beginning and there will be more resistance."

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