DRAMA SEUDJARAH ATJÈH. Act-5. Scene-3. Peumandangan lam kèm Tjut Njak Dien (1)

DRAMA SEUDJARAH ATJÈH. Act V. Scene 3. Seunambông peumandangan lam kèm Tjut 
Njak Dien (2) 

1873 – 1978

Scene 3

Musik: Bethoven, Moonlight Sonata; Joaquim Rodrigo, Concierto de Arajuez.

The retreat of Tjut Njak Dien in the montain vastness between Geumpang and 
Mulaboh. Her husband, Teuku Umar, after executing every bit of the planned 
attacks against the Dutch and their Javanese merceneries in Great Acheh, after 
regaining and then losing again of Fort Aneuk Galong, after dislodging the 
entire Dutch position in the IV District and the XXV Districts with great 
sucsess, until the Dutch had to bring in their Commander-in-Chief from Holland, 
General Vetter, to extricate their forces from the pincer movement of Teuku 
Umar in Great Acheh, he has to withdraw to Pidie, in 1898. From Pidie he 
regains control of the West Coast. Teuku Umar was ambushed and killed by the 
Dutch in February, 1899, in Meulaboh, still a grand capitaine he was. His 
widow, Tjut Njak Dien, did not give up the struggle. She continue to fight on 
with other Achehnese leaders, especially now that her daughter, Tjut Gambang, 
is married to leading member of the di Tiro family,
 the supreme leader of the resistance. There are present in the retreat several 
women companions, men guards and advisors, among them, Waki ( Representative ) 
Him, Pang Raman, Tjuwa ( Aunt ) Barén, Peutuwa ( Elderman ) Ayat. Tjut Njak 
Dien is greying. Her eye sight had failed her. Her health is poor. But her 
spirit is undaunted !

TJUWA BAREN: ”Your Highness, Waki Him begs to be excused so that he can go down 
to the village to fetch the rice.”

TJUT NJAK DIEN: ”Very well, Waki Him, you may go now.”

(Waki Him comes forward to kiss the hand of Tjut Njak Dien. It is obvious that 
Tjut Njak Dien cannot see the man near her but simply gives her hand toward the 
direction of the sound she heard. She is blind.)

WAKI HIM: ”I wil comes back shortly, because i had asked the people in the 
village to bring the rice half-way up here.”

PANG RAMAN: ”But that is against our security system. I had never given you 
permission to let anyone come half-way up here!”

WAKI HIM: ”Just this one time, please!”

(And he left in great hurry, as if running )

PANG RAMAN: ”I have a feeling that Waki Him behaves somewhat awkward today.”

PEUTUWA AYAT: ”Me too! He seems not his usual self.”

TJUT NJAK DIEN: ”You people seems to like to fret on small matters. Let him go 
and forget him.”

TJUT NJAK DIEN (Reminiscing):”Oh, how time flies!”

(Long silence)

”My husband did everything i suggested to him to do in military and political 
fields. He did retake the Kuta Aneuk Galong, the IV District, and the XXV 
District. He did shake the Dutch positions in Acheh to ground in 1896, and they 
have not yet recovered from it until now. They have to bring General Vetter 
their Commandr-in-Chief in Holland to extricate the Dutchmen and their Javanese 
merceneries from my husband's pincer movement. The Dutch so-called 'governor' 
of Acheh, General Deijkerhoff, was dismissed by his government over the crisis.

”I must admit, my husband had done great harm to the nation's cause by his 
naive cooperation with the Dutch between 1893 and 1896. I vehemently opposed 
that move. But, there were those who approve it, men like Teuku di Kuta 
Kareueng. So I do not know. But I knew that my husband could not have used the 
Dutch. They were the one who would use him. I was lucky to be able to change 
his mind. Finally.”

”He has repented, and repented grandly. I hope God and men will forgive him. My 
husband's life should not be set as excuse for future traitors to collaborate 
with invading enemies, but on the contrary, as example for non-collaboration 
with all invading enemies, for such behavior will cause more harm than good for 
our national existence and our national interest. If this lesson is remembered, 
then my husband had not died in vain! Collaboration with the invading enemies 
is not justifiable under any pretext! Achehnese of all ranks and classes must 
put the nationalinterest above his own! My husband has certainly bought his 
forgiveness from Allah by dying a martyr. I hope that the people of Acheh will 
also find grace in their hearts to forgive him, for he has corrected his 
mistakes when he realized it, and risked his life in doing so. Did not they say 
that all is well that ends well?”

”He would have been glad to know that he had grand children in Tiro now from 
our daughter Mirah Gambang.”

”I want to die a shaheed – martyr – too, to the cause of my Land, Religion, and 
people. All other kinds of death is waste!”

( Suddenly, all the leaves of the small trees around the retreat are shaking 
because of the movement of the Dutch soldiers converging on the camp from all 
sides. As the Dutch and their Javanese servants are closing in, a very loud 
yelling is heard:”HAND UP! DO NOT RUN! GIVE UP TJUT NJAK DIEN!” Nothing coul be 
done anymore. The coup was done in a complete surprise. Obviously with an 
inside accomplice. The Dutch Commander steps forward, followed by his Javanese 

DUTCH COMMANDER:”Which one is Tjut Njak Dien?”

( No one volunteers to show. Everyone stands up in silent disbelief of what is 
unfolding before their eyes – but no one shows any sign of panick. Everyone 
stands on his her ground.)

DUTCH COMMANDER:”Will someone show me which one is Tjut Njak Dien!”

( More silince )

DUTCH COMMANDER:”Bring Waki Him here!”

ALL CAMP MEMBERS (almost in unison):”Oh, you, Waki Him! We spit upon you Waki 

(Waki Him is pushed forward to the front. He is obviously very reluctant to 
show his traitorous face to his former friends. Waki Him lamely points his 
fingers at Tjut Njak Dien, and he slowly walks to wards her, and when he stands 
precisely in front of her, he says):

WAKI HIM:”Forgive me, Your Highness, but I did this for your sake, so that your 
suffer no more. Your illnesses can be cured. You will not have to suffer hunger 

TJUT NJAK DIEN:”I do not ask for your pity, Waki Him! Do you think we are 
domestic animals whose primary requipment is only full belly? No Waki Him, we 
are Free Achehnese, free human beings whose primary requipment is not full 
belly, but full honor and dignity. We die for honor and dignity, and not for 
food in the belly!”

WAKI HIM:”O Please forgive me, Your Higness!”

TJUT NJAK DIEN:”No forgiveness for you. What you betray and kill today is not 
only us. You have also killed an example of the supreme sacrifice that we hold 
out for the future generations of Achehnese to see and to follow in defence of 
this ancestral Holy Land of ours! For that crime you now receive your 

(Swift as a lighting, Tjut Njak Dien pulls her rintjong ( Achehnese dagger ) 
and trusts it into the heart of Waki Him who falls right there near her feet, 
engulfs in a pool of blood. Everyone is quiet, stunned by the spectacle, 
including Dutch soldiers and commanders.)

TJUT NJAK DIEN:”Let's go to wherever destiny wants us, but no surrender to the 
Dutch and their Javanese dogs.”

(She gives her hand to Tjuwa Barén who leads the way followed by others 
including Dutch soldiers – all in silence)

(Curtain down)


http://www.freeacheh.info/B/ "Sesungguhnya jika sebagian di antara kita yang 
dewasa ini bermegah dengan kedudukan dan kekayaan yang mereka dapatkan dari 
menghambakan diri kepada penjajah, adalah pribadi-pribadi yang meracuni dan 
melecehkan ideologi Acheh Merdeka yang beliau lahirkan, dan kepada mereka masa 
kehancuran akan datang yang membuat mereka lebih nista daripada kaum penjajah."

Njoe njang beutôi peusan dan wasiët Tgk Hasan di Tiro. Dan KON lagèë njang 
djipeuna-peuna uléh djaroë-gaki musôh / biëk pangtibang njang kajém geutanjoe 
batja lam surathaba musôh Serambi:

"Udép geutanjoë hana juëm meusaboh aneukmanok meunjo hana tapeutheun peuë njang 
ka geukeubah lé éndatu. Udép sibagoë lamiët dan djadjahan gob njan hana juëm 
meu-sikeuëh ! Meunjo tateupuë(peuë) arti keumuliaan! UREUENG-UREUENG LAGÈË LÔN 
Kheun Tgk Hasan di Tiro 
Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Lumo djawa (jawa) dum di Atjèh (Aceh) ! 

Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Ureuëng Atjèh Kahabéh Gadoh Karakter ! 

Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Peuë (Puë) peunjakét Bangsa Atjèh uroë njoë ? 

Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Gubernur, Bupati, Camat dst nakeuh geupeunan Lhoh 

Tgk Hasan di Tiro: "Ureuëng njang paléng bahaja keu geutajoe nakeuh - djawa 
keumah djipeugot urg atjèh seutotdjih nibak seutot geutanjoe. Mantong na urg 
atjèh njang tém djeuët keu kulidjih, keu sidadudjih, keu gubernurdjih, keu 
bupatidjih, keu tjamatdjih, dll. Mantong na biëk droëteuh njang djak djôk dan 
peusah nanggroe atjèh keu djawa!" 

MoU Helsinki is worse than Special Autonomy !
MoU Helsinki njan leubèh brôk nibak Otonomi Khusus !


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