Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Awaknjan mandum ka pungo ! Kadjitém seumah dan teurimong 
peurintah bak djawa !

Tengku Hasan di Tiro: "Ureuëng2 lagèë  lôn siribèë go leubèh got maté nibak 
didjadjah lé djawa ! 
 Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Lumo djawa (jawa) dum di Atjèh (Aceh) ! 
Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Ureuëng Atjèh Kahabéh Gadoh Karakter ! 
Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Peuë (Puë) peunjakét Bangsa Atjèh uroë njoë ? 
Tgk Hasan di Tiro: Gubernur, Bupati, Camat dst nakeuh geupeunan Lhoh 
Tgk Hasan di Tiro: "Ureuëng njang paléng bahaja keu geutajoe nakeuh - djawa 
keumah djipeugot urg atjèh seutotdjih nibak seutot geutanjoe. Mantong na urg 
atjèh njang tém djeuët keu kulidjih, keu sidadudjih, keu gubernurdjih, keu 
bupatidjih, keu tjamatdjih, dll. Mantong na biëk droëteuh njang djak djôk dan 
peusah nanggroe atjèh keu djawa!" 
MoU Helsinki is worse than Special Autonomy !
MoU Helsinki njan leubèh brôk nibak Otonomi Khusus !
DRAMA SEUDJARAH ATJÈH. Act-5. Scene-3. Peumandangan lam kèm Tjut Njak Dien (1) "Sesungguhnya jika sebagian di antara kita yang 
dewasa ini bermegah dengan kedudukan dan kekayaan yang mereka dapatkan dari 
menghambakan diri kepada penjajah, adalah pribadi-pribadi yang meracuni dan 
melecehkan ideologi Acheh Merdeka yang beliau lahirkan, dan kepada mereka masa 
kehancuran akan datang yang membuat mereka lebih nista daripada kaum penjajah."

From: Mr Murizal <>
Subject: [Aceh-Institute] Jkt Post : Letter: Aceh after Hasan Tiro
Date: Friday, July 9, 2010, 3:59 PM


Letter: Aceh after Hasan Tiro
| Thu, 07/08/2010 10:24 AM | readers forum
A | A | A |

The history of contemporary Aceh is very much linked to Hasan Tiro. If 
classical Aceh in the 17th century goes to the Great Sultan Iskandar Muda, the 
20th century and Aceh-Dutch war goes to Teuku Umar and Cut Nyak Dien, the 
independence and post-independence era of 1960’s goes to Tgk. Mohd.

Daud Beureueh, then Aceh over the past 30 years goes to none other than Hasan 

Hasan Tiro has shaped Acehnese consciousness and characters, and laid the 
foundations for Aceh for the next 30 years, which we have yet to discover 
belongs to whom. When Hasan Tiro initiated the movement in 1976, he was 51 
years old. Aceh at that time was 1136 years old (considering the kingdom of 
Peureulak established in 840 as the root of Aceh as a regio-political entity).

Despite the 10-century gap, Hasan Tiro was able to capture the Acehnese spirit. 
This was  a spirit that was not lost over the passage of time. He also managed 
to properly elaborate that spirit and transform it into a manifesto of struggle 
for modern Aceh.

The Free Aceh Movement was thus declared as the continuation of an unending 
struggle to achieve the ideals. This movement soon received massive attention. 
Old and young, men and women, signed commitments to struggle with him to 
achieve these ideals.  

Nevertheless, Hasan Tiro’s declaration also triggered Jakarta to respond in a 
military approach. The war that ensued lasted for more than 30 years, before an 
MoU was signed on Aug. 15, 2005 with both sides agreeing to stop fighting. The 
Aceh war was the second-longest war experienced by Aceh, after its war with the 
Dutch. This war not only claimed thousands of lives but once again put Aceh’s 
civilization on hold. Aceh has had to pay an expensive price for its commitment 
to achieving its ideals. Not only is Aceh a less developed region, it is also 
the most isolated and closed region in Indonesia’s modern history.

The MoU opened a new chapter in the contemporary history of Aceh. However, with 
the death of Hasan Tiro, many people have asked whether peace will remain? Is 
there any potentiality that conflict will re-emerge in a new form? Just like 
what happened after the death of Tgk. Mohd. Daud Beureueh, Hasan Tiro declared 
a new form of movement.

The answer very much depends on the key that Aceh and Indonesia have achieved 
so far, namely the MoU. How will this be implemented, how much room will 
Jakarta allow Aceh to govern himself, and to what extent will the Acehnese be 
satisfied with the progress. The MoU is a win-win for bargaining to what extent 
Jakarta has authority over Aceh, and to what extent Aceh can enjoy its freedom 
in the framework of self-government. The MoU therefore should not be understood 
as a check to reintegrate the “region” of Aceh into Indonesia. Nor is the MoU a 
Daerah Istimewa agreement, post DI/TII conflict, nor a Syari’at Islam status. 
The MoU is a comprehensive framework for Aceh to structure and organize its own 

With this perspective in mind, Jakarta will not lose anything. Its authority 
over Aceh, income generated from Aceh, and right to defend Aceh from external 
attack is well maintained. The MoU in fact is the key to winning the “hearts” 
of the Acehnese people, so that they will willingly and consciously integrate 
themselves into Indonesia.

Such a perspective is important because Aceh, throughout the history of 
Indonesia, has never shown territorial commitment. Aceh has never been forced 
to submit to any idea of region.  If Indonesia wins the hearts of the Acehnese 
people, not only will they be willing to share the region (territory), the 
Acehnese will also give their heart and soul. Since this is the key to peace in 
Aceh, a whole-hearted commitment to the MoU should be given by the elites both 
in Jakarta and Aceh.

The Jakarta elites (House of Representatives, the president and all the higher 
government institutions) should make the MoU above any laws, rules and 
regulations they establish for Aceh.

Jakarta also should be sensitive to the privileges Aceh deserves as a result of 
the MoU. The history of how the MoU was achieved should always be remembered 
when they want to make a new policy for Aceh.

Hafas Furqani

http://www.thejakar news/2010/ 07/08/letter- aceh-after- 
hasan-tiro. html


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