Refleksi : Hebat  alasan rezim SBY untuk melarang film Balibo dipertunjukan 
kepada umum. Hehehehe, tetapi bagi yang belum melihat atau mau melihat film 
tsb, bisa lihat pada :

Balibo film ban stays 
August 6, 2010 
An Indonesian ban on the Australian movie Balibo remains in force after an 
appeal by local journalists to get it overturned was rejected yesterday. 
Jakarta's Administrative Court endorsed the ban, citing the potential for the 
release of the film to ''disturb harmony between two nations'', a clear 
reference to Australia and Indonesia. The film depicts the murder of five 
Australia-based journalists in East Timor by invading Indonesian forces in 1975.

The judges also said the censorship was warranted because the facts surrounding 
the deaths of the so-called Balibo five were in dispute. Indonesia's government 
maintains the journalists were inadvertently caught in crossfire and not 
deliberately slain.

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