Bagian ke-8 survey The Economist.


A world of opportunity

Nov 11th 2004 
>From The Economist print edition
Why the protectionists are wrong

EARLIER this year, a group of politicians from
Britain's left-of-centre Labour Party made a field
trip to EXL Service, an Indian outsourcing firm in
Delhi. Its charming boss, Vikram Talwar, must have
worked wonders. On their return, the politicians
chided Britain's trade unions for being negative about
sourcing work from poor countries, and praised EXL
Service's facilities for its workers. These included a
health clinic, a gym and a good staff canteen. Laura
Moffat, one of the politicians, approvingly told the
Financial Times: “The benefits EXL offered its
employees would be a wish-list for us in Britain.”

More often than not in the past two years, public
champions of outsourcing have found themselves bullied
into silence. The chairman of President George Bush's
Council of Economic Advisers, Gregory Mankiw, got
howled off the stage earlier this year when he dared
to defend the practice. Lou Dobbs, a TV news anchorman
who names and shames unpatriotic American firms that
hire workers abroad, is hawking around a new book,
“Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed is Shipping
American Jobs Overseas”. 

Such attacks have instilled caution in some of the big
technology firms: IBM, for instance, no longer likes
to talk publicly about the growth of its business in
India. Yet the backlash against outsourcing has been
less violent than people like Mr Dobbs might have
hoped; indeed, as the reaction of Mr Talwar's British
visitors show, outsourcing is beginning to win support
in unexpected quarters.

Protectionists are finding it hard to argue that
“corporate greed” is draining jobs from Britain and
America when those two economies are close to full
employment. More awkwardly still, the very industries
said to be badly hurt by the migration of jobs
overseas report a shortage of workers at home. Most of
the jobs created in India are either in call-centres
or at IT firms. But call-centre companies in both
Britain and America suffer from rising staff turnover
and struggle to recruit more people. Britain's
Call-Centre Association, a trade lobby, thinks that
employment in the industry in Britain will rise in the
next few years; in the United States, call-centre
employment is expected to decline slightly. 

As IT spending recovers from recession, labour markets
in America and Europe are becoming tighter in this
industry too. Not many students in rich countries
choose to study engineering at college. Even a modest
rise in the demand for IT workers in rich countries
will create shortages—and therefore openings for
Indian, Chinese and Russian engineers.

In the longer run, ageing populations in rich
countries will mean labour shortages in many
industries. Sourcing some of the work from abroad will
ease the problem. It will also help to lift
productivity among rich-country workers who will have
to support larger numbers of older people. Moreover,
it could help to lower some of the costs of ageing
populations, especially in health care. America's
health-care spending is rising at 12% a year, far
faster than GDP. Farming out the huge job of
administering this system to lower-cost countries
would restrain such spending. Trade has the same sort
of effect, and Americans think nothing of shopping
online for cheaper drugs from Canadian pharmacies.
Yet, as McKinsey's Diana Farrell points out, it is
precisely the supporters of drug imports (and haters
of big business) who complain most about jobs going to

Anti-globalisers claim that multinational firms that
obtain goods and services in low-cost countries
exploit the poor by putting them to work in
sweatshops. Trade unions and industrial lobbies use
such arguments to make their demands for protection
look less self-interested, and guilt-wracked American
and European bien pensants swallow them whole.

The spread of global sourcing may help to unpick these
politics. The smartly dressed, brand-conscious young
men and women who stroll around the lush technology
parks of Bangalore are patently not some new
underclass. New wealth in the East will help to expose
old protectionist politics in the West. That might
provide globalisation with a new legitimacy and moral

This survey has argued that, although the opportunity
to source large amounts of white-collar work from
low-cost countries has arisen quite suddenly, the work
will in fact move over gradually. This will give rich
economies time to adjust to new patterns of work, and
should keep the politics of change manageable. But
from time to time, ugly protectionism is sure to flare
up again. 

Take it gently
A sudden increase in global competition could force
faster and deeper restructuring in rich countries. Big
IT-services firms such as IBM and Accenture have
scrambled to hire tens of thousands of new employees
in India to compete with Indian IT firms such as Wipro
and TCS. This could happen in other industries, too,
as India becomes expert at providing outsourced
banking, insurance and business services.

Office workers everywhere are likely to be discomfited
by the rise of Indian firms that promise to do
white-collar work cheaper, faster and better. Just as
the Japanese car makers licked Detroit into shape,
India is going to change life on the cubicle farm
forever. So far only American and British firms have
sourced much work from low-cost countries, but other
rich economies such as France, Germany, Italy and
Japan will eventually have to follow as British and
American firms reduce their costs and make their
rivals look vulnerable. In Japan, France and Germany,
this could lift high levels of unemployment (disguised
in Japan; explicit in France and Germany) higher still
if rigid, unreformed labour markets continue to deny
displaced workers new jobs. This is likely to fuel
protectionism and cause a backlash.

That may be all the more reason to reassert both the
economic and the moral case for free trade. Buying
goods and services from poor countries is not only
hugely beneficial to rich countries' economies, it can
also provide opportunities for millions of people in
poor countries to lift themselves up and improve their
lives. It is a game in which everybody can win. 

(The Economist) 

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