Tambahan info lagi :
Setelah saya menemukan berita ini dalam versi inggrisnya, ternyata 
sekolah itu nggak salah-salah amat. Jelas punya murid 80% muslim, 
sekolah ini membolehkan murid-muridnya menutup seluruh tubuh kecuali 
wajah dan telapak tangan, misalnya dengan pakaian longgar, kerudung, 

Si Begum ini pakai shalwar kameez celana longgar dan atasan longgar 
berbentuk tunik, dengan kerudung (headscarf). Nah, yg kemudian 
dipakai olehnya sejak 2002 adalah JILBAB yang sebenarnya (jilbab 
dalam arti aslinya, bukan yg sudah diterjemahkan salah kaprah ke 
dalam bahasa Indonesia). Apakah jilbab itu? Itu adalah pakaian one-
piece (sepotong kain) yg panjangnya dari kepala sampai kaki. Wajar 
saja jika sekolah melarangnya karena menganggapnya berbahaya karena 

Saya pribadi heran kenapa Begum yg tadinya sudah memakai pakaian 
longgar plus kerudung yg menutup dada lalu memilih menggunakan 
pakaian padang pasir itu? Ya bagaimanapun, saya menghargai hak dia 
berpakaian. Mengenai itu berbahaya atau tidak (bisa kesrimpet?), itu 
kan resiko dia sendiri yg sudah seharusnya konsekuen dgn akibat yg 
ditimbulkan dari pakaiannya. Salut buat Cherie Booth (istri Tony 
Blair) yg bisa membela kasus anak ini di pengadilan.

Ini ada tulisan menarik dari seorang muslimah, tentang kasus Shabina 
Begum ini. Kira-kira seperti itu juga yg saya rasakan. Mengapa Begum 
harus mengganti pakaiannya dengan model yg "tidak umum", padahal 
selama ini dia sudah "berjilbab" (arti jilbab menurut Indonesia)?

(Maaf kalau tulisannya bhs Inggris)

March 03, 2005
Will a Muslim woman ever be more than what she wears?
By Mona Eltahawy

Shabina Begum, a 16-year-old Muslim schoolgirl who won the right on 
Wednesday to wear a jilbab to her school in the British town of 
Luton told the British newspaper The Guardian that she felt like 
screaming with happiness when she heard the court decision.

I felt like screaming with anger and frustration when I heard about 
Shabina's case because once again a Muslim woman is in the 
headlines only because of what she wears. When will this madness end?

Shabina's school did not prevent her from wearing a headscarf. 
Unlike French schools which have banned the hijab outright, Shabina'
s school went out of its way to accommodate the needs of students 
who are nearly 80 percent Muslim, speak 40 different languages and 
who are from 21 different ethnic groups.

Students could wear the regular uniform or they could wear a shalwar 
kameez, which consists of loose-fitting trousers and a long tunic. 
They could wear a headscarf as long as it conformed to certain 
criteria. In order to satisfy the needs of the diverse background of 
its students, the school consulted with pupils, parents, schools and 
leading Muslim organizations when it was formulating its uniform 

And yet this was not enough for Shabina who wore the shalwar kameez 
from the time she enrolled at the school when she was 12 until 
September 2002 when she suddenly decided to wear the jilbab, a long 
loose fitting one-piece item that covers the body from head to 

Her school refused to allow her to attend until she resumed wearing 
the approved uniform. Shabina took the school to court but her case 
was rejected by High Court judges last summer. The school had argued 
that allowing her to wear a jilbab would impact on the rights of 
other Muslim girl pupils who opposed allowing the jilbab as they 
felt that it would create a hierarchy of belief at the school.

Her school was right. What has become of our faith that it has 
turned into a competition over who can cover the most? Who convinces 
young Muslim women that they must cover more and more, going far 
beyond what is deemed the modest clothing that Islam requires of men 
and women?

Shabina switched to a school that allowed her to wear the jilbab and 
her case went to the Court of Appeal which on Wednesday agreed that 
her initial school had a right to set a school uniform policy but 
that it had failed to consider Shabina's rights under the Human 
Rights Act.

The Guardian reported that Lord Justice Brooke, vice-president of 
the civil division of the court of appeal, ruled that Shabina's 
school had: unlawfully excluded her; unlawfully denied her the right 
to manifest her religion; unlawfully denied her access to suitable 
and appropriate education.

Lord Justice Brooke has committed the simplest mistake that a non-
Muslim commits ?he accepted at face value the assertion by Shabina 
and her lawyers that the jilbab, an especially strict interpretation 
of modest dress, was a requirement for Muslim women. To this day, 
Muslim scholars issue various interpretations about Muslim dress. 
After the 9/11 attacks, some Muslim scholars in the America even 
told Muslim women they did not have to wear a headscarf if they felt 
in danger from anti-Muslim attacks.

Shabina chose to go beyond a uniform that was deemed acceptable for 
the other Muslims and denied herself the ability to continue 
attending her school. She claimed that her school's refusal to 
allow her to attend classes in a jilbab was a result of post-9/11 
bigotry. I assert that Lord Justice Brooke's ruling is a classic 
example of liberal guilt over the ugly Islamophobia that many 
Muslims have faced since 9/11. Instead of standing up to a growing 
conservatism among some Muslims, many liberals will simply give in 
rather than appear prejudiced. Sadly, most of the points they give 
in on have to do with Muslim women.

This is nothing short of the racism of lower expectations ?they 
expect Muslims to be extreme, they expect Muslim women to be 
covered. The Guardian newspaper, which I reported for from the 
Middle East, committed a grave error in reporting Shabina's story. 
It did not interview a single Muslim woman who could have told them 
there is more to being a Muslim than a jilbab and that such a jilbab 
was over and beyond what is deemed modest.

Interestingly, Shabina was represented by Cherie Booth, the wife of 
British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Some Muslims might see something 
to celebrate in this and say "Look, the wife of the British prime 
minister is defending a Muslim girl's rights". There is no need 
for celebration.

I wish Cherie Booth had defended a Muslim girl's right to complete 
her education against a family who was pulling her out of school 
early to get married, which happens even in Britain. I wish she had 
defended a Muslim girl against violence at home ?a suffering that 
is too often ignored by the Muslim community in the West because it 
would prefer girls and women suffer in silence than bring shame to 
the community by speaking out.

And what does Shabina think she has achieved? She told The Guardian 
that the Court of Appeal verdict would "give hope and strength to 
other Muslim women" and that it was a victory for all Muslims "who 
wish to preserve their identity and values despite prejudice and 

My response to Shabina is thanks but no thanks. I wore the hijab for 
nine years from the age of 16 to 25 and do not feel my identity lies 
in a piece of cloth. I gain my hope and strength by sharing the 
excitement of ambitious young Muslim women like my sister Noora who 
loves her university studies. Noora wears the hijab but she knows 
that it is what is in her head, not what is on it that is more 

Mona Eltahawy is a New York-based columnist for the pan-Arab Asharq 
al-Awsat newspaper. Her website is www.monaeltahawy.com

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