Podobnie jak pan -panie Januszu pisze Joe Sobran:

The Great Comedian
by Joe Sobran

June 8, 2004

     When Bob Hope died last year, the British columnist
Frank Johnson remarked that actually, Ronald Reagan was a
much funnier man. Hope was a mere wiseacre; Reagan could
make you laugh from your depths. I heard him speak in
person several times, and there was always magic in the
room. The laughter he provoked was truly jovial -- as
startling as thunder.

     He had odd points of resemblance to Lincoln, who
also got his start as an entertainer. As a young man
working at a general store, Lincoln would attract people
from miles around with his flow of jokes and mimicry. He
was so popular that friends urged him to go into
politics, where his humor always proved an asset.

     Like Lincoln, Reagan also bore the shame of a
drunken father whose failure he was determined to avoid.
And Reagan too had a rare charm with large audiences, yet
was hard to know intimately. At the same time, both men
avoided making personal enemies. Petty spite wasn't in

     In personality, the president Reagan may least
resemble is George W. Bush. Reagan could make
conservatives laugh at liberals, which was no great feat;
but with his gently barbed wit he did something harder:
He made even liberals laugh at liberals. Bush only makes
them laugh at Bush.

     In his unassuming way, Reagan was an electrifying
speaker. I'd heard him speak in a documentary film well
before he went into politics, hawking the free market
system and decrying the fallacies of socialism. It seemed
obvious, but no less cogent and satisfying for that.

     And he had that wonderful voice -- so reassuringly
American, the perfect instrument for uttering home
truths. He wasn't a great actor on the screen -- too much
of a known quantity, too genial and untroubled to be very
interesting. C major was his only key. But that was the
perfect key for his political career. And it was
politics, not cinema, that revealed his comic gifts,
including a nice touch of Irish black humor. Yet that
same humor, with its impish cynicism about politics, only
underlined his convictions.

     During his presidency, several of Reagan's
speechwriters were friends of mine. They were always
happy, like composers writing concertos for a masterful
violinist. They knew Reagan would make their words sing.
Bush's speechwriters have to avoid using words he can't

     There is a world of difference between Reagan's
relaxed and genial conservatism and Bush's tense,
brittle, humorless version. Though he hated Communism,
Reagan would never have gotten this country into a mess
like the Iraq war. He was a lucky man who usually knew
when not to press his luck. Or, as a friend of mine puts
it, when a man is as lucky as Reagan, it's not just luck.

     For eight years, liberals tiresomely accused Reagan
of "making war on the poor." He replied to such charges
with a naughty irreverence for the dying gods of
liberalism, like a choirboy winking at the girls during a
long sermon. He reminded you of Muhammad Ali dancing
around the ring, landing quick jabs at will on a
flat-footed opponent who flails heavily at the air.

     The eulogies to Reagan's greatness are forgivably
overblown; they reflect the great affection he inspired
rather than historical perspective. There was no "Reagan
Revolution": The Federal Government kept growing steadily
throughout those eight years. Both his partisans and his
enemies promoted, for opposite reasons, the myth that he
was slashing government with his conservative cutlass.

     Did he bring about the fall of Soviet Communism? No,
though he may have hastened it a bit, with a little help
from Pope John Paul II and Lech Walesa. He was, however,
wise enough to realize that Communism would eventually
destroy itself without outside efforts to destroy it, and
he was willing to risk alienating his anti-Communist base
by reducing Cold War tensions. In this his easy-going
style served him well. CIA experts and hopeful liberals
warned that the Soviet Union was both economically and
militarily invincible, but Reagan's instincts told him it
was moribund.

     Reagan's real originality, rather strangely for such
an old-fashioned man, was stylistic. He was never so
absorbed in politics that he failed to see its comedy.
And he played it for all it was worth, sharing his
essential skepticism through the infallible medium of the
belly laugh. Like all rare personalities, he leaves no


Copyright (c) 2004 by the Griffin Internet Syndicate,
www.griffnews.com. All rights reserved.

Joe Sobran is a syndicated columnist and the editor of a
monthly newsletter, SOBRAN'S. His books include ALIAS
SHAKESPEARE (The Free Press 1997) and HUSTLER: THE
CLINTON LEGACY (Griffin Communications, 2000).

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From: "Janusz Baczynski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list prawica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Prawica:  Pamieci prezydenta
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 08:41:33 +0200

Od: "Jerzy N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Zmarl czlowiek ktory uratowal Polske przed komuna ,bardzo cicho zmarl
> podobniez zyl

Ronald Regan ma tyle zasług i miał na tyle
szlachetnych cech, że nie trzeba mu dodawać
nieprawdziwych aby oddać mu cześć.

Oczywiście Regan nie uratował Polski przed
komuną bo komuna jednak tu przez 50 lat
szalała, ale dzięki Reganowi ta komuna upadła
w swej najbardziej odrażającej postaci.

Ronald Regan z całą pewnością nie żył cicho.
I bardzo dobrze, że nie bał się on zabrać głośno
głos i krytykowac Imperium Zła i innych socjalistów
- najczęściej krytykował tych ze swojego kraju,
bo dla tego patrioty zawsze dobro kraju było
naczelną wartością.

Cześć jego pamięci!

Janusz Baczyński

Wydali wojnę biedzie i bieda wygrała
  Ronald Regan o socjalistach

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