We are all programmed in our youth to know our general direction in life
and our limits. Nobody says to us "You will be a lawyer and make Rp.
30.000.000 per month." Or "You will be a carpenter and make Rp.
50.000.000 per month." Through a series of experiences and information
we receive from parents and others, we form a subconscious image of what
we should 'be,' how much money we are worthy of earning, how attractive
we are (and therefore how attractive our mate should be), etc. If at any
time we are 'threatened' with achieving beyond our subconscious
boundaries in any of these areas, sabotage kicks in to bring us back in
line. This happens so that we don't get hurt. So that we don't feel the
pain of being uncomfortable, of being in the unknown, of violating our

Sabotage is designed to protect us. To keep us safe. It's also designed
to punish us when we violate the programming of our parents, etc. It
sends us to our rooms because we were 'bad,' it takes away our playmates
because we were 'bad,' it doesn't give us our allowance because we were
'bad.' We are living as children and thinking we are in control of
everything, yet we are still being punished. So we have the aspect of
sabotage that punishes us and the aspect that protects us by keeping us
in the 'safe' zone.

Think about it, if you earned more money you might be expected to
maintain that level of achievement and this could make your life uneasy.
So you quit your high paying job "because it's too corporate" or lose
money in Las Vegas on a regular basis "because it's fun to gamble, but
the house always wins." If you lost all that weight, you may attract
attention from the opposite sex, which in the past has lead to problems.
So you binge "just a few times a week because that's not overdoing it."
If you stopped smoking, you would have to deal with those feelings of
anxiety that led you to smoke. So you smoke "because this is a really
stressful time. Next month will be a better time to stop." You come up
with some logical reason for your sabotage and then you go ahead and
sabotage yourself.

What is really going on is that you are going back to where you feel you
belong, where you are comfortable, where you feel you deserve to be.
When working with aspiring actors, I tell them that I could set up a Rp.
50.000.000 income per month for them. But there would be certain
requirements they would have to meet, and a violation of any of those
simple requirements would disqualify them from the movie deal. They
would have to show up at certain place at 10 AM on Wednesday, bring a
pen to sign a contract and be prepared to fly to certain place for two
weeks for on-the-job training. I then guarantee them that if they have a
sabotage program running in their mind, they will find a way to
undermine this golden opportunity. Either they will show up after 10 AM,
think it was Tuesday instead of Wednesday that they we supposed to meet,
forget their pen, or be so afraid of flying that they could not fly to
the place. It's like the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but
you can't make him drink." If you are running a sabotage program in your
mind, you will get to that water, but not allow yourself to drink. You
will subconsciously destroy your chances of having success in that
situation so that you can remain where you fell safe or feel you deserve
to be.

Hypnosis offers an easy solution to all of this. It reprograms your mind
to eliminate those barriers. Those who think they cannot be hypnotized
or that they are 'smarter' than that need only to look around.
Everything in their lives is due to hypnosis -- everything: their mate,
their lack of a mate, their car, the amount and type of assets in their
portfolio, their debt, their job, their friends, everything. They are
programmed to gravitate toward certain situations and people and to
accept them in their lives. If we want to change any part of our lives,
we must first prepare our minds to accept the change, otherwise we will
go right back to where we are pre- programmed to go, where we feel safe,
where we feel we belong.

Why do some people work really hard for a college degree and stop right
before they get it? Things come up, they get married, they get busy at
work, they run out of money. Nonsense. If you really want something and
feel you are worthy of it, you will find a way to get it. What really
happens is that their programming kicks in and they stop because they
are about to exceed a pre-set limit. Why do some people get engaged
several times but never married? Often it is because they are pre-
programmed to sabotage marriage to avoid pain. Perhaps they saw their
mother suffer through an abusive marriage and their mind programmed them
to avoid that pain. So they choose a potential mate that subconsciously
they know will not work out, or they simply back out of the situation,
or they begin engaging in a series of actions devised by their
subconscious mind to undo the relationship.

Sabotage is not you working against yourself, it is you trying to keep
yourself safe. The problem is that when we get a bit older and want
certain things consciously, we are subconsciously programmed not to have
those things.

That's where hypnosis can help. The subconscious mind can be
reprogrammed. Rather than just deciding to allow more money, a better
mate, better health, etc. into your life, it is infinitely more powerful
to reprogram yourself on a subconscious level, to delete the outdated
programming and allow the updated programming in. If you are running
Windows 95 on your computer, you need to update to the current version.
You don't get there by wishing it to be so, or acting as if it is so,
you get there by eliminating the obsolete parts of the old Windows
program and adding the latest, most powerful Windows technology. This is
how your mental computer works, too -- you must reprogram to move ahead
in your life.

You can become unaware of your 'boundaries' and surpass them. Your
abilities are limitless. Once you remember to forget your imagined
boundaries, you are free.

Happy Learning,

Yovan P. Putra
www.primastudy.com <http://www.primastudy.com/>
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