Having abundance is like having affluence and wealth. However, you can
be abundant in anything. The possibilities are unlimited. What would you
like to be abundant in? I could ask this question to one hundred people
and I would get one hundred different answers.

The ultimate goal of abundance is to have everything you want in life
while feeling a sense of satisfaction at the same time. Sure, anyone can
feel satisfied by having nice things, but it is important that they feel
the satisfaction and completeness that abundance has to offer.

The question I get a lot of the time is "How do I become abundant?" The
answer is quite simple. You imagine having abundance. You also imagine
having the specific things that you want. With time abundance will find

Many people wish to feel abundant in wealth. Becoming abundant in wealth
can take a little time, but having more money does make things a little
easier. How much money would make you wealthy? Think of an amount that
would satisfy your need and want for money. Now, everyday think of that
amount. Imagine your life with that amount of money.

Creating abundance involves a lot of visualization. You have to think
about what you want and then visualize it every single day. Eventually
your visualizations will start to manifest in your own life.

Perhaps you are working towards a specific goal like starting your own
business. Imagine owning your own business. Visualize interacting with
clients or employees. Think about your day to day tasks and how you will
enjoy them and feel satisfied. By doing this every day, you begin to
word toward realizing your goal.

Maybe your goal is to win a race or an athletic event. Visualize your
training. You can see yourself every day working hard, improving your
athletic performance. Most importantly, visualize winning. Visualize the
award you will receive when you win the event.

It is important to constantly keep your goals in mind. If you want
something bad enough. You will find a way to get it. Abundance is a very
powerful thing. You will begin to see small changes right away. And with
time, big changes and great things will start happening in your life.

I encourage you to seek abundance in all aspects of your life. Abundance
will help you live a happier and more fulfilled life.
Happy Learning,

Yovan P. Putra
www.primastudy.com <http://www.primastudy.com/>
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