Just a reminder:

Starting tonight US Eastern time,  we will be automatically verifying the
PGP and MD5 signatures for current source tarballs (those in distrib/source)
on all mirrors. Based on the count and size of current releases, this will
cause an additional 5-6 gbytes of monthly traffic for each mirror.

If this additional traffic will present a problem for your mirror, please
let us know.

John Morrissey           _o            /\         ----  __o
j...@proftpd.org       _-< \_          /  \       ----  <  \,
www.proftpd.org/   __(_)/_(_)________/    \_______(_) /_(_)__

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ProFTPD Mirror Sites List <proftpd-mirr...@proftpd.org>

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