It’s tex code, to be compiled with lualatex.
You may use pdflatex instead but need to change
the package “luainputenc” to “inputenc“.

Am 02.04.20 um 05:54 schrieb 'Jim Russell' via Programming:
Sorry, how should I convert that into a viewable diagram.

On Apr 1, 2020, at 11:17 PM, Hauke Rehr <> wrote:

Actually, I’m a little bit confused as well:
I thought I understood it but obviously didn’t
so I tried redoing the diagram but with one
set of arrows altered.
Am I right these should be different or do I
misinterprete the way atop is meant to work?


Am 29.03.20 um 03:36 schrieb ethiejiesa via Programming:
Raul Miller <> wrote:
Another possible way to emphasize what's going on here might be to
split 'v' up into multiple instances (one for each cell) in the &
case. (Though, there, drawing a box around the 'v' part, to show the
scope of the verb and distinguish the definition from the application
-- possibly even backed up by another sentence or something? -- might
be even more important.)

Perhaps the disagreement stems from difference in experience.
I sympathize with Sergey's confusion. When first coming to J a few months ago, I 
was confused by the exact same diagram. It only started making sense for me once 
the ideas of rank/splitting/reassembly and & vs @ composition had already 
So I feel like the diagram is a great illustration of the concepts but there is 
perhaps a need for some pedagogy that demonstrates the initial problem: What 
mechanical questions come up when trying to combine verbs? Which naturally 
leads to wanting the four composition primitives.
Is there a wiki page that already addresses this kind of thing? I might try 
writing one up and sharing it on Jgeneral anyway, in the off chance it fills a 
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