Uh... but before I can sensibly update the wiki I need to understand
what I am talking about.

      0:`1:`2:@.(3&|) i. 6
0 1 2 0 1 2
      0:`1:`2:@.(3&|) i. 7
|rank error, executing monad (0:`1:`2:)@.(3&|)
|each gerund must return a result whose shape agrees with its inputs
|       0:`1:`2:@.(3&|)i.7

In both examples, the rank of the result of each gerund is 0, and the
rank of the inputs to each of the corresponding verbs is 1.

Why did the i.6 example work and the i.7 example fail?



On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 6:39 PM Henry Rich <henryhr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The result of v contains verb numbers for the cells of x/y.  It also
> indicates the rank of those cells: the verbs execute on (-rv)-cells,
> where rv is the rank of the result of v.
> The text seems to me to describe the operation correctly, but as always
> you can change it if it is unclear.  Your description of the operation
> is correct.
> Henry Rich
> On 12/26/2023 6:14 PM, Raul Miller wrote:
> > I should add that the nuvoc has some examples of implied rank, but I
> > can't figure out why a list of 10 numbers from an infinite ranked v
> > means rank 0 while a list of five numbers from infinite ranked v means
> > rank 1. I suspect what it's intended to mean is that the implied rank
> > is _1 and "_1 on a rank 1 list acts at rank 0 and "_1 on a rank 2 list
> > acts at rank 1. But that doesn't match the text of the description.
> >
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