There should be a space before the 'o', i, e, ' o'

Making that change it works fine for me.  From the position of the caret 
it appears you have some garbage at the end of your line.

There is no such thing as a niladic verb in J.  If you type the name of 
a verb, Roger types its definition.  There is no way to write a single 
word that produces different results when you repeat it.

toss''    is as close as you get.

Henry Rich

On 12/1/2011 8:05 PM, Linda Alvord wrote:
> I pasted the line together so 'o' looked ok.  It was where the line broke in 
> my message.  I tried it a couple of times with similar results.
>     toss =: (dice =: (6 6 6#:12 145 157 185 197 215)
> <@:{"1 2 (#:i.6){'o') {~ 2 10 ?@$ 6:
> |spelling error
> |   toss =: (dice =: (6 6 6#:12 145 157 185 197 215)
> <@:{"1 2 (#:i.6){'o') {~ 2 10 ?@$ 6:
> |                                                   ^
> If this works, when you type  toss ''  aren't you really using a monadic verb 
> ?
> So far no one seems to be able to create an expression that will produce two 
> different results consecutively.
> I think I'll be holding a fistful of APL symbols even though I'm not 
> responsible for creating them.
> Linda
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Henry Rich
> Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 7:01 PM
> To: Programming forum
> Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] Turkey Roll - Challenge 2 Rich Text
>      toss =: (dice =: (6 6 6#:12 145 157 185 197 215)<@:{"1 2 (#:i.6){'
> o') {~ 2 10 ?@$ 6:
>      toss''
> +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
> |o o|o o|o  |o o|o o|o  |o  |   |o o|o o|
> |   | o |   |o o| o | o |   | o |   |   |
> |o o|o o|  o|o o|o o|  o|  o|   |o o|o o|
> +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
> |o o|o  |o o|o  |o  |o o|o  |o o|   |o o|
> |o o| o |o o| o |   |o o|   |o o| o |o o|
> |o o|  o|o o|  o|  o|o o|  o|o o|   |o o|
> +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
> Henry Rich, whose @ will be pried from his cold dead fingers
> On 12/1/2011 6:25 PM, Linda Alvord wrote:
>> I was curious to see if you would get a new toss each time if  toss{dice was 
>> a verb. It would not run  syntax error   scripted.  You got the same result 
>> twice like both Ric and I did. So if you change a few names around, see if 
>> you can define toss 6 as a monadic form of toss to produce different results 
>> when repeated.
>> one =:   '   ',' o ',:'   '
>> two =:   'o  ','   ',:'  o'
>> three =: 'o  ',' o ',:'  o'
>> four =:  'o o','   ',:'o o'
>> five =:  'o o',' o ',:'o o'
>> six =:   'o o','o o',:'o o'
>> ]dice =: one;two;three;four;five;six
>> ]ten =: [: ? (2 10 $ 6)"_  NB. ten tosses of two dice
>> toss =: ten''
>> 5 4 5 2 4 3 0 2 4 2
>> 2 1 4 4 3 2 0 3 3 3
>> tossscripted=:toss { dice
>> ]sums =: 2 + +/ toss
>> 9 7 11 8 9 7 2 7 9 7
>> fd =: [: /:~ ~. ,. [: +/"1 ~. =/ ]
>> fd sums
>>     2 1
>>     7 4
>>     8 1
>>     9 3
>> 11 1
>> 4!:0 'dice';'toss';'sums';'fd'
>> 0 0 0 3
>> dice
>> ten
>> tossscripted                  NB. toss changed to a function.
>> tossscripted
>> toss                          NB. this is c
>> sums
>> fd sums                       NB. this is fd sums
>> 0 0 0 3 = 4!:0 ;:'dice toss c fd'
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Kip Murray
>> Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 9:46 AM
>> To: Programming forum
>> Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] Turkey Roll - Challenge 2 Rich Text
>> Not precisely what you asked for, Linda, but equivalent:
>>       one =:   '   ',' o ',:'   '
>>       two =:   'o  ','   ',:'  o'
>>       three =: 'o  ',' o ',:'  o'
>>       four =:  'o o','   ',:'o o'
>>       five =:  'o o',' o ',:'o o'
>>       six =:   'o o','o o',:'o o'
>>       ]dice =: one;two;three;four;five;six
>> +---+---+---+---+---+---+
>> |   |o  |o  |o o|o o|o o|
>> | o |   | o |   | o |o o|
>> |   |  o|  o|o o|o o|o o|
>> +---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>       ten =: [: ? (2 10 $ 6)"_  NB. ten tosses of two dice
>>       ]toss =: ten''
>> 5 4 5 2 4 3 0 2 4 2
>> 2 1 4 4 3 2 0 3 3 3
>>       toss { dice
>> +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>> |o o|o o|o o|o  |o o|o o|   |o  |o o|o  |
>> |o o| o |o o| o | o |   | o | o | o | o |
>> |o o|o o|o o|  o|o o|o o|   |  o|o o|  o|
>> +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>> |o  |o  |o o|o o|o o|o  |   |o o|o o|o o|
>> | o |   | o | o |   | o | o |   |   |   |
>> |  o|  o|o o|o o|o o|  o|   |o o|o o|o o|
>> +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
>>       ]sums =: 2 + +/ toss
>> 9 7 11 8 9 7 2 7 9 7
>>       fd =: [: /:~ ~. ,. [: +/"1 ~. =/ ]
>>       fd sums
>>     2 1
>>     7 4
>>     8 1
>>     9 3
>> 11 1
>>       4!:0 'dice';'toss';'sums';'fd'
>> 0 0 0 3
>> On 11/26/2011 3:14 AM, Linda Alvord wrote:
>>> Version 3  Rich Text
>>> Version 2  Plain text.  How can I make the graphic symbols look good?
>>> PLEASE DO NOT REPLY  BEFORE  December I, 2011 at 12:00 am EST !
>>>        The turkey roll challenge, named in honor of the Thanksgiving Day
>>> holiday,  focuses on the verb   roll   or   ?    with one argument.
>>> Create two nouns and a verb that will generate the following results.
>>>             dice
>>> ----T---T---T---T---T---┐
>>> │ │o │o │o o│o o│o o│
>>> │ o │ │ o │ │ o │o o│
>>> │ │ o│ o│o o│o o│o o│
>>> L---+---+---+---+---+----
>>>            toss
>>> ----T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---┐
>>> │o │ │o │ │o o│ │o o│ │o │ │o │ │ │ │o o│ │o │ │o │
>>> │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │
>>> │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ │ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│
>>> +---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+
>>> │o │ │o │ │o │ │o │ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
>>> │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │o o│ │ o │
>>> │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
>>> L---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+----
>>>                toss
>>> ----T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---┐
>>> │o │ │o │ │o o│ │o o│ │o │ │o │ │ │ │o o│ │o │ │o │
>>> │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │
>>> │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ │ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│
>>> +---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+
>>> │o │ │o │ │o │ │o │ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
>>> │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │o o│ │ o │
>>> │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
>>> L---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+----
>>>        c=:3 8 7 12 9 8 9 7 4 12      NB.  The list  c  is the sums of the
>>>                                      NB.  second toss of ten dice
>>>        fd c
>>> 3 1                               NB.  A frequency distribution of the
>>> 4 1                               NB.  ten tosses
>>> 7 2
>>> 8 2
>>> 9 2
>>> 12 2
>>>        4!:0 'dice';'toss';'c';'fd'
>>> 0 0 0 3                          NB. 0 for nouns, 3 for verbs
>>> Some rules and hints:
>>>         Write all verbs and nouns without  @ .  You can use several nouns 
>>> and
>>> verbs to make a final noun or verb.  Here are some things about  roll.
>>>         r=: 13 :'?y'
>>>         r
>>> ?
>>>        r 4
>>> 3
>>>       r 4
>>> 2
>>>       s=: 13 :'r 3 4$y'
>>>       s
>>> [: r 3 4 $ ]
>>>       s 5
>>> 3 3 3 2
>>> 3 2 3 4
>>> 2 4 0 4
>>>       s 5
>>> 1 3 1 0
>>> 3 1 4 1
>>> 4 2 1 3
>>>        t=: 13 :'(r s y)*3 4$100*i.4'
>>>        5 t 5
>>> 1003 1000.69 1000.5 1001.49
>>> 1001 1000.55 1000 1001
>>> 1000.89 1001.03 1002 1000
>>>        5 t 5
>>> 1001 1002 1000 1001.37
>>> 1003 1000.04 1000.23 1002
>>> 1000.01 1001 1000.3 1001.16
>>> Be sure to get unique results as you go.  Notice how to build a complex
>>> result with several shorter functions.
>>> Linda
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