Things work pretty well now but plot joins the last data point to the 
first by a straight line segment.  For example

plot (;*:) steps _1 2 100

shows the graph of y = x^2 for x going from _1 to 2 together with a 
straight line segment from the point 2 4 to the point _1 1.  In J602 the 
same plot command draws the curve correctly, without that straight line 
segment from the last point of the curve to the first point.

On 12/2/2011 7:07 PM, bill lam wrote:
> There was a mismatch for suffix htm vs html, please update plot package
> (to 1.0.17) and test again.
> Птн, 02 Дек 2011, Kip Murray писал(а):
>> The rough edges include absence of ~addons/ide/jhs/jplotdemos.ijs .  I
>> found jplotdemo.ijs and tried it instead.  After several iterations of
>> installing addons required by jplotdemo.ijs I was able to do
>>      plotdemo
>> NB. requires JAL graphics/plot and graphics/afm installs
>> NB. requires JAL general/misc and math/misc installs
>> NB. plotdemos 0 through jplot 54 create html plot files
>>      plot 10?10
>>      plotdemos 1
>>      plotdemos 10
>>      plotdef 'show';600 300 NB. jhsshow width height
>>      plotdemos 10
>>      plotdef 'link';400 200 NB. jhslink
>>      plotdemos 25
>>      plotdef 'none';600 300 NB. create ~temp/plot.html without show or link
>>      plotdef 'show';600 300 NB. jhsshow
>>      plotdemos 54
>> but none of the listed commands would work correctly with Google Chrome.
>>    For example,
>>      plot 10?10
>> led to a window with address
>> and Chrome error message
>> No data received
>> Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
>> Here are some suggestions:
>> Reload this webpage later.
>> Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection
>> without sending any data.
>> This was a typical response to the commands I tried.
>> However, when I used Windows Explorer to find file
>> C:\Users\Kip Murray\j701-user\temp\plot.htm
>> and clicked on the file name in Windows Explorer, a J Plot window opened
>> showing a jagged line plot passing through ten random points, on a
>> "graph paper" grid with labels i.10 on the x and y axes.
>> So something is working!
>> It appears to me ~temp/plot.html was incorrect identification of the
>> html file.
>> On 12/2/2011 12:34 PM, Eric Iverson wrote:
>>> Thanks to a significant contribution by Bill Lam we now have much of the J6
>>> native J plot facility in J7 JHS!
>>> This provides plotting in JHS similar to what was available in J6 without
>>> the requirement for gnuplot and without the limitations of Google Charts.
>>> The plot output is an html file that draws on the html5 canvas element.
>>> This is similar to the new gnuplot facility and uses the same jhsshow,
>>> jhslink, and related facilities.
>>> There are still rough edges that need work, but I strongly encourage you to
>>> take an initial look.
>>> Use JAL to update JHS then shutdown and restart JHS server.
>>> browse to jijx
>>>      load'~addons/ide/jhs/jplotdemos.ijs'
>>>      plotdemo
>>> One of the  big problems in getting labs to run in JHS was that J6 plot
>>> wasn't supported. With this new support it should be much easier to get
>>> more of the labs running cleanly on JHS.
>>> This plot facility will work on your iPad!
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