Here are the correct dice. Cut and paste can get you in real trouble sometimes.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Linda Alvord
Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2011 1:50 PM
To: 'Programming forum'
Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] Turkey Roll - Challenge 2 Rich Text

 Here are your  dice 

onekm=:   '   ',' o ',:'   '
twokm=:'o  ','   ',:'  o'
threekm=:'o  ',' o ',:'  o'
fourkm=:'o o','   ',:'o o'
fivekm=:'o o',' o ',:'o o'
sixkm=:'o o','o o',:'o o'
5!:2 ;:'onekm twokm threekm fourkm fivekm sixkm dice'

On to some comparisons


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kip Murray
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 9:46 AM
To: Programming forum
Subject: Re: [Jprogramming] Turkey Roll - Challenge 2 Rich Text

Not precisely what you asked for, Linda, but equivalent:

    one =:   '   ',' o ',:'   '
    two =:   'o  ','   ',:'  o'
    three =: 'o  ',' o ',:'  o'
    four =:  'o o','   ',:'o o'
    five =:  'o o',' o ',:'o o'
    six =:   'o o','o o',:'o o'

    ]dice =: one;two;three;four;five;six
|   |o  |o  |o o|o o|o o|
| o |   | o |   | o |o o|
|   |  o|  o|o o|o o|o o|

    ten =: [: ? (2 10 $ 6)"_  NB. ten tosses of two dice

    ]toss =: ten''
5 4 5 2 4 3 0 2 4 2
2 1 4 4 3 2 0 3 3 3

    toss { dice
|o o|o o|o o|o  |o o|o o|   |o  |o o|o  |
|o o| o |o o| o | o |   | o | o | o | o |
|o o|o o|o o|  o|o o|o o|   |  o|o o|  o|
|o  |o  |o o|o o|o o|o  |   |o o|o o|o o|
| o |   | o | o |   | o | o |   |   |   |
|  o|  o|o o|o o|o o|  o|   |o o|o o|o o|

    ]sums =: 2 + +/ toss
9 7 11 8 9 7 2 7 9 7

    fd =: [: /:~ ~. ,. [: +/"1 ~. =/ ]

    fd sums
  2 1
  7 4
  8 1
  9 3
11 1

    4!:0 'dice';'toss';'sums';'fd'
0 0 0 3

On 11/26/2011 3:14 AM, Linda Alvord wrote:
> Version 3  Rich Text
> Version 2  Plain text.  How can I make the graphic symbols look good?
> PLEASE DO NOT REPLY  BEFORE  December I, 2011 at 12:00 am EST !
>      The turkey roll challenge, named in honor of the Thanksgiving Day
> holiday,  focuses on the verb   roll   or   ?    with one argument.
> Create two nouns and a verb that will generate the following results.
>           dice
> ----T---T---T---T---T---┐
> │ │o │o │o o│o o│o o│
> │ o │ │ o │ │ o │o o│
> │ │ o│ o│o o│o o│o o│
> L---+---+---+---+---+----
>          toss
> ----T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---┐
> │o │ │o │ │o o│ │o o│ │o │ │o │ │ │ │o o│ │o │ │o │
> │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │
> │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ │ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│
> +---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+
> │o │ │o │ │o │ │o │ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
> │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │o o│ │ o │
> │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
> L---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+----
>              toss
> ----T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---T-T---┐
> │o │ │o │ │o o│ │o o│ │o │ │o │ │ │ │o o│ │o │ │o │
> │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ o │ │ │
> │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ │ │o o│ │ o│ │ o│
> +---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+
> │o │ │o │ │o │ │o │ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
> │ │ │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ │ o │ │ o │ │ │ │o o│ │ o │
> │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │ o│ │o o│ │ │ │ │ │o o│ │o o│ │ │
> L---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+----
>      c=:3 8 7 12 9 8 9 7 4 12      NB.  The list  c  is the sums of the
>                                    NB.  second toss of ten dice
>      fd c
> 3 1                               NB.  A frequency distribution of the
> 4 1                               NB.  ten tosses
> 7 2
> 8 2
> 9 2
> 12 2
>      4!:0 'dice';'toss';'c';'fd'
> 0 0 0 3                          NB. 0 for nouns, 3 for verbs
> Some rules and hints:
>       Write all verbs and nouns without  @ .  You can use several nouns and
> verbs to make a final noun or verb.  Here are some things about  roll.
>       r=: 13 :'?y'
>       r
> ?
>      r 4
> 3
>     r 4
> 2
>     s=: 13 :'r 3 4$y'
>     s
> [: r 3 4 $ ]
>     s 5
> 3 3 3 2
> 3 2 3 4
> 2 4 0 4
>     s 5
> 1 3 1 0
> 3 1 4 1
> 4 2 1 3
>      t=: 13 :'(r s y)*3 4$100*i.4'
>      5 t 5
> 1003 1000.69 1000.5 1001.49
> 1001 1000.55 1000 1001
> 1000.89 1001.03 1002 1000
>      5 t 5
> 1001 1002 1000 1001.37
> 1003 1000.04 1000.23 1002
> 1000.01 1001 1000.3 1001.16
> Be sure to get unique results as you go.  Notice how to build a complex
> result with several shorter functions.
> Linda
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