The latest JHS update includes preliminary support for frames. It might be
worth a look.

start JHS server
browse to URL jijxaz (perhaps start at your jijx bookmark and edit url to
end in az)

You'll get 2 frames. The top is jijx and the bottom is jhelp. Try the links
in the bottom frame. For example, link to jijs, type in a sentence, and run

The top frame is framea and the bottom frame is framez. You can drag the
divider between the frames.

The verb jhsshow can put a new url in a frame. For example,

   'framez' jhsshow 'jfile'

You can use a frame for plots.

   load '~Demos/plot/plotdemos.ijs'
   plotdef 'show' ; 'framez' ; 400 200 NB. show plot in window framez
   plotdemos 1
   plotdemos 52
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