Dear All,

How can I refresh the list of "setSpec" 
so that only the new values that I added into admin interface 
are visible, and not old values.

I ran the script  and the current situation is the following

sudo -u  www-data /opt/invenio/bin/oairepositoryupdater -d

  setSpec              setName                Volume     After update(*):
                                                         Additions  Deletions
  dataset:aleph        DataSet INFN              185        +0      -0 =     185
  presentation:infn    Presentations INFN          3        +0      -0 =       3
  openaire             OpenAIRE                 2053        +0      -0 =    2053
  publication:infn     Publications INFN         868        +0      -0 =     868
  Total(**)                                     2053                        2053
Thanks in advance 

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