
After the recent releases of v1.2.0 and v2.0.0, and the recent call for
retirement of CERN CVI boxes, I have cleaned our nightly build jobs on


to keep only the minimum official builds for:

   - maint-1.0 (on SLC5 with Python 2.4, Debian Squeeze with Python 2.6)
   - maint-1.1 (on SLC5 with Python 2.4, Debian Squeeze with Python 2.6)
   - maint-1.2 (on Debian Squeeze with Python 2.6)

The other jobs that were heavily underused, or not used anymore, were
dropped, e.g. CDS and INSPIRE overlay builds and on-demand personal
builds.  (Travis CI is used for those.)

The Jenkins CI server will be replaced later this year by a fully new
Jenkins/Docker based system that Daniel et al are building.

Best regards
Tibor Simko

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