 Invenio v1.2.1 is released

Invenio v1.2.1 was released on May 21, 2015.


Invenio is a digital library framework enabling you to build your own
digital library or document repository on the web.

This stable release update is recommended to all Invenio sites using
v1.2.0 or previous releases.

Security fixes

+ BibAuthorID:

  - Improves URL redirecting by properly quoting all URL parts, in
    order to better protect against possible XSS attacks.

+ WebStyle:

  - Adds back the `HttpOnly` cookie attribute in order to better
    protect against potential XSS vulnerabilities.  (#3064)

Improved features

+ installation:

  - Apache virtual environments are now created with appropriate
    `WSGIDaemonProcess` user value, taken from the configuration
    variable `CFG_BIBSCHED_PROCESS_USER`, provided it is set.  This
    change makes it easier to run Invenio under non-Apache user

  - Apache virtual environments are now created with appropriate
    `WSGIPythonHome` directive so that it would be easier to run
    Invenio from within Python virtual environments.

Bug fixes

+ BibDocFile:

  - Safer upgrade recipe for migrations from the old document storage
    model (used in v1.1) to the new document storage model (used in

+ WebSearch:

  - Removes special behaviour of the "subject" index that was hard-
    coded based on the index name.  Installations should rather
    specify wanted behaviour by means of configurable tokeniser

  - Collection names containing slashes are now supported again.
    However we recommend not to use slashes in collection names; if
    slashes were wanted for aesthetic reasons, they can be added in
    visible collection translations.  (#2902)

+ global:

  - Replaces `invenio-demo.cern.ch` by `demo.invenio-software.org`
    which is the new canonical URL of the demo site.  (#2867)

+ installation:

  - Releases constraint on using an old version of `h5py` that was
    anyway no longer available on PyPI.

+ testutils:

  - Switches off SSL verification when running the test suite.  Useful
    for Python-2.7.9 where self-signed SSL certificates (that are
    usually used on development installations) would cause apparent
    test failures.  (#2868)


- http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz
- http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz.md5
- http://invenio-software.org/download/invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz.sig


Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.


Please proceed as follows:

a) Stop your bibsched queue and your Apache server.

b) Install the update::

     $ tar xvfz invenio-1.2.1.tar.gz
     $ cd invenio-1.2.1
     $ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc/ /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/
     $ sh /opt/invenio/etc/build/config.nice
     $ make
     $ make check-upgrade
     $ sudo -u www-data make install
     $ sudo rsync -a /opt/invenio/etc.OLD/ \
         --exclude invenio-autotools.conf \
         /opt/invenio/etc/ # (1)
     $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all
     $ sudo -u www-data /opt/invenio/bin/inveniocfg --upgrade

     (1) If you are upgrading from previous stable release series
         (v0.99, v1.0 or v1.1), please don't run this rsync command
         but diff, in order to inspect changes and adapt your old
         configuration to the new Invenio v1.2 release series.  For
         more information you may also want to consult release notes
         coming with Invenio v1.2.0.

c) Restart your Apache server and your bibsched queue.

Happy hacking and thanks for flying Invenio.

| Invenio Development Team
|   Email: i...@invenio-software.org
|   IRC: #invenio on irc.freenode.net
|   Twitter: http://twitter.com/inveniosoftware
|   GitHub: http://github.com/inveniosoftware
|   URL: http://invenio-software.org

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