Dear Vít,

In data Tuesday 23 February 2016 06:21:21, Vít Tuček ha scritto:
> I've just installed Invenio 1.2.1 onto Ubuntu 14.04 and I can't login any
> users due to a server error. There seems to be one precedent:

Looks like there is some bug in the Redis+Nydus stack in your installation. 
From the backtrace:
Frame setex in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/redis/ at line 
      1090         """
      1091         if isinstance(time, datetime.timedelta):
      1092             time = time.seconds + time.days * 24 * 3600
----> 1093         return self.execute_command('SETEX', name, time, value)
      1095     def setnx(self, name, value):
      1096         "Set the value of key ``name`` to ``value`` if key doesn't 
                        self =  
                        name =  "'session_e395535da927c663a666f14a384bb545'"
                       value =  '172800'
                        time =  '\'\\x80\\x02}q\\x01(U\\x08_http_ipq\\x02NU\
\x03uidq\\x0cK\\x02U\\x05agentq\\rUmMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) 
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36q\
e395535da927c66 [...]

There one can see that "value" and "time" variables got swapped!

However in the call inside Invenio these were correct:
Frame save_in_storage in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/invenio/ at line 624
       621     def save_in_storage(self, sid, session_object, timeout, uid):  
# pylint: disable=W0613
       622         return get_redis().setex(self.generate_key(sid),
       623                                  session_object,
---->  624                                  timeout)
       626 if CFG_WEBSESSION_STORAGE == 'mysql':
       627     InvenioSession = InvenioSessionMySQL
                        self =  "{'user_info': {'uid': 2, 'agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 
(Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36', 'precached_viewclaimlink': False, 'session': 
'e395535da927c663a666f14a384bb545', 'precached_useadmin': False, 'group': [], 
'guest': '0', 'precached_usepaperattribution': True, 
'precached_usepaperclaim': True, 'precached_viewsubmissions': False, 
'precached_usegroups': True, 'email': '', 
'precached_usealerts': True, 'precached_uses [...]
              session_object =  '\'\\x80\\x02}q\\x01(U\\x08_http_ipq\\x02NU\
\x03uidq\\x0cK\\x02U\\x05agentq\\rUmMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) 
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.116 Safari/537.36q\
e395535da927c66 [...]
                         uid =  '2'
                     timeout =  '172800'
                         sid =  "'e395535da927c663a666f14a384bb545'"

Which version of Redis python and Nydus (and Redis server) you have?

In particular:

$ pip freeze  | grep  -E "redis|nydus"


Samuele Kaplun
INSPIRE Service Manager ** <>

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