Hi Tim, *

Am 18.03.2011 22:56, schrieb Webmaster for Lungstrom.com:
> On 03/18/2011 12:51 PM, Erich Christian wrote:
> <snip>
>>> 1] The main site in English [standard some would say], but if there is
>>> the ability for the site to access the visitor's default language, the
>>> visitor would be forwarded to the correct language version of the main
>>> site.
>> I guess there's the possibility to fetch the visitor's browser language
>> and redirect him, but this is far ahead because it is not our job to do
>> all the translations - we offer the environment for different teams to
>> do it, like on the LO website.
> I know many sites do this, but once you get your pages translated to one
> or two other languages you might look into adding that feature to your
> domain.  Our project will have a manual language "bar" somewhat like
> what is one the "wiki" pages where you can click on the language and you
> go to that language's version of the displayed page and then stay with
> that language's pages till you switch to a different language.  Actually
> the "wiki" pages is what made me want to have that option for our site
> and DVD when we have more languages available than English.

It is a good idea and we'll keep this in mind.

>>> 2]  The main site would have a page listing all the different regional
>>> projects sorted by language[s] and geographical region[s].
>> http://libreofficebox.org/projects/  is a start for this
> ---- see the bottom of the email for the error message displayed - the
> web server is unable to "respond". . . .
> Also on the projects page, the de.libre. . . . link worked before but
> the "develop" project link did not work.

Have been updating Silverstripe thus producing several errors ...

>>> 3]  There will be a page where the visitor would find places to download
>>> the ISO files from these different regional projects, and versions of
>>> the CD/DVD projects in as many languages as available.
>> Each subsite can provide a download page on their website in the
>> according language.
> It would be nice to have one page listing all the available places.  It
> would be convenient for the user/visitor.  Could you have a symbol/icon
> of a CD/DVD next to the name of the project and/or the projects link
> giving the user an indicator that that project has a DVD, ISO download
> or media to "sell", or other icons that indicate something about the
> project.  Language icon, ISO icon, region icon?  Something like the
> icons on the DVD project showing if the link is to a Writer file, and
> archived file, a web link, and email link, and all the other ones in the
> theme folders.

I've added icons to our link on projects page, I don't find a download
opportunity on your website, correct me if I'm wrong and/or tell me which
icon(s) you'd like to see with your link.

>>> 4] There will be a page that list groups or individuals where a visitor
>>> can purchase a physical copy of a DVD or CD so there would be no need to
>>> use their bandwidth to download up to 4.4 GB of file size of an ISO file
>>> and then burn the ISO to a working CD or DVD for their use.  Have this
>>> list sorted, again, by language[s] and geographical region[s].  This way
>>> the visitor can find a "seller" that is the closest to their location
>>> and have the least amount of shipping cost to them.
>> Up to the teams again, we'll provide the space for a website and a
>> development site as I have written.
> As before, a list of these sites [whether project sites or other web
> pages] and an icon next to the link showing there is a link to the DVD
> for sale.

Each team will be able to write these infos on their websites so I do
not really see the need to provide an extra list.

>>> Actually, a nice marketing "tag line" for the "seller" would be "with
>>> ever DVD purchase, we will donate a portion of the sale to LibreOffice
>>> and The Document Foundation".  I would think people would like that.  If
>>> it costs $10 USD to make a professionally printed DVD and Case, ant it
>>> takes $5 USD to ship it to the buyer, the buyer would not be to unhappy
>>> if the seller adds on a $1 or $2 to that price for a donation.  So the
>>> sale would be $11 plus $5 shipping and processing, with the seller
>>> sending a check to The Document Foundation/LibreOffice for each purchase
>>> as a donation.
>> see above
> "see above"? I do not know where you mean.  This was just an idea for
> those who might be thinking about offering a physical DVD for
> sale/shipped to the visitors.  

I mean that each team may provide their infos on their websites for
people close by and understanding the language. We have the info (for
long) on our page who of the listed distributors is supporting the project.

>>> [quote]
>>> "We have finished the first step of our move and are up to prepare
>>> Silverstripe and the iso generating scripts on libreofficebox.org for
>>> multilingual use"
>>> [unquote]
>>> What does this mean?  It seems to read that there will be a script that
>>> will generate an ISO file "on demand" for the visitor.  I do not know
>>> about "you" but it takes over 15 minutes to generate a 4 GB DVD on a
>>> dual core 2GHz Vista machine.
>> No, not for the visitor but for the teams.
>> Our service is focussed on the community, the services for visitors are
>> up to the teams.
> I would like to know more about this, if someone would send to me this
> information - off the list
> to this email address - webmas...@krackedpress.com

Not sure what you mean for I've provided the infos below.

>>> [quote]
>>> The dvd ui can be exported together with all linked files prior to
>>> an upcoming release of a dvd into static html, the iso file will be
>>> generated by script from this export.
>>> [unquote]
>>> I read this as saying there will be a script in the HTML page that will
>>> look into a data base file for all the listed DVD projects and display
>>> this list for the visitor to see.  Then if there is a new project to be
>>> added to the list, you add it to the data base file and not change the
>>> code or scripts on the HTML page that displays the list.
>> Again this procedure is dedicated to the teams to create their iso files.
>> Visitor can choose from http://libreofficebox.org/projects/
>> what he wants to see or will be redirected later on.
> As more projects become available, that list on your /projects/ page
> will be much larger than the current two of
> de. and devel.

Yes looking forward to...  ;-)
As you can see at http://www.libreoffice.org/international-sites/ the
first "run" is over and not all of the requested subsites are providing
content yet.

>>> By the way.  The "libreofficebox.org" site is in English [or at least
>>> shown with my browser], but the download page is in German.
>>> "http://web.libreofficebox.org/download/";
>> Yes I'll remove the download link which is a leftover from the german
>> page.
> Please do not remove that link.  Just indicate that the link goes to a
> German language page.  

I think it makes more sense to link to the projects page like I did
where the links to download pages are (going to be) provided.

> Would the BrOffice "project"/site be listed on your  /projects/  page? 
> I see they are listed in the section of the LibreOffice.org/download/ page.

Once they provide a DVD or ISO and want to be listed for sure.
I did not see a hint on their homepage but I do not speak portugese so I
could have overlooked it easily...

> So the "domain name" is always a good place [URL] to start with.

Jeff mentioned that he is up to start a site on our server, so let me
have your suggestion for a desireable subdomain. I'll set up the
subsites then and you can start getting familiar with Silverstripe.


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