Globalization, Theocracy and the New Fascism:
Taking the Right's Rise to Power Seriously 

By Carl Davidson 

Since George W.  Bush's reelection in 2004, the Christian right in the
U.S.  has come under new scrutiny, here and around the world.  Some,
of course, are celebrating the religious right's rise to power; but a
great many others are worried about the political direction the
country has taken-on matters of war and peace, on the future of
respect for liberty and diversity, and on prospects for equitable and
sustainable development.

The worry is quite justified.  With two Islamic countries occupied by
U.S.  troops, with Iran and North Korea on the nuclear threshold to
counter threats of occupation, with the ongoing violence and
counter-violence of Israel's occupation of the Palestinians, with the
continuing plots against Venezuela for its oil-who would not be
worried about a White House under the thumb of zealots longing for
theocracy, the Apocalypse and the Second Coming?

America's cantankerous relationship with its right wing preachers over
the years is no longer simply a part of our country's 'local color.'
Bush's victory, even if narrow, against his multilateralist and
corporate liberal rivals in the ruling class, as well as against the
popular 'Anybody But Bush' forces that mobilized against him, has
caused the Christian Coalition forces to become even bolder. 
America's theocrats are now a global concern and a growing danger to all.

Today's Christian and conservative rightists, to be sure, didn't
suddenly spring out of nowhere.  Their current incarnation spans
nearly four decades.  They got their big start in 1968 when Alabama
Gov.  George Wallace led a mass movement of anti-civil-rights white
Southerners out of the Democratic Party and into an alliance with
Richard Nixon's GOP through its 1968 and 1972 'Southern Strategy.'
With Nixon's Watergate demise in the 1970s, the key organizers of what
was then dubbed 'the New Right,' chiefly Paul Weyrich and Richard
Viguerie, retrenched and began raising and spending millions from big
capitalists to build the think tanks, policy coalitions, grassroots
churches and media infrastructure that, by 1980, helped put Ronald
Reagan in the White House.  

Nonetheless, as the Reagan years began, the Religious Right was still
only a junior partner in the GOP.  They were often used, sometimes
cynically and opportunistically, but the 'Rockefeller Republicans,'
then represented by Reagan's Vice President, George H.  W.  Bush (the
Elder), still mainly ran the show.

The New Right, however, did not intend to play second fiddle for long.
 Some critics saw what was happening early.  Futurist and sociologist
Alvin Toffler, for instance, said in his classic work, The Third Wave,
published in 1980: 'In the United States, it is not hard to imagine
some new political party running Billy Graham (or some facsimile) on a
crude 'law-and-order' or 'anti-
porn' program with a strong authoritarian streak.  Or some as yet
unknown Anita Bryant demanding imprisonment for gays or 'gay-symps.'
Such examples provide only a faint, glimmering intimation of the
religio-politics that may well lie ahead, even in the most secular of
societies.  One can imagine all sorts of cult-based political
movements headed by Ayatollahs named Smith, Schultz or Santini (p.  379).'

Along with others, Toffler saw the beginning of the new religious
right here in a much broader context.  The rise of fundamentalism was
a worldwide phenomenon, taking root in Islamic, Christian, Jewish and
Hindu peoples around the world.  Jeffrey Hadden and Anson Shupe,
authors of Televangelism, the 1988 critical study of the merger of
religion and modern telecommunications, tied it directed to the rapid
social change and disrupted social structures brought about by the
onset of globalization.

Hadden and Shupe argue that globalization, in part, is a 'common
process of secularizing social change' containing 'the very seeds of a
reaction that brings religion back into the heart of concerns about
public policy.  The also the cause of
resacralization...[which] often takes fundamentalistic forms.' They
also explain, ironically, that the fundamentalist voice of protest
against global secularism is itself amplified by the same high
technology of globalization, a powerful tool that gives it global
reach and an accelerated rate of growth.  The World Council of
Churches, itself a liberal-to-moderate target of the fundamentalist
right, described the process at its 1998 report on its 8th Assembly in
Harare, Zimbabwe:

'Globalization gives rise to a web of contradictions, tensions and
anxieties.  The systemic interlocking of the local and the global in
the process created a number of new dynamics.  It led to the
concentration of power, knowledge, and wealth in institutions
controlled or at least influenced by transnational corporations.  But
it also generated a decentralizing dynamic as people and communities
struggle to regain control over the forces that threaten their very
existence.  In the midst of changes and severe pressure on their
livelihoods and cultures, people want to affirm their cultural and
religious identities...

'While globalization universalized certain aspects of modern social
life, it also causes and fuels fragmentation of the social fabric of
societies.  As the process goes on and people lose hope, they start to
compete against each other in order to secure some benefits from the
global economy.  In some cases this reality gives rise to
fundamentalism and ethnic cleansing.'

Alvin and Heidi Toffler go further in describing the impact of this
'loss of hope' in their 1993 book, War and Antiwar: Survival at the
Dawn of the 21st Century. Dividing the world into their now
popularized 'three waves' analysis-an agricultural First Wave, an
industrial Second Wave, and an information technology Third Wave-they
put it this way:

'On a world scale, the lurch back to religion reflects a desperate
search for something to replace fallen Second Wave faiths-whether
Marxism or nationalism, or for that matter Scientism.  In the First
Wave world it is fed by memories of Second Wave exploitation.  Thus it
is the aftertaste of colonialism that makes First Wave Islamic
populations so bitter against the West.  It is the failure of
socialism that propels Yugoslavs and Russians toward
chauvinistic-cum-religious delirium.  It is alienation and fear of
immigrants that drives many Western Europeans into a fury of racism
that camouflages itself as a defense of Christianity.  It is
corruption and the failures of Second Wave democratic forms that could
well send some of the ex-Soviet republics tracking back either to
Orthodox authoritarianism or Muslim fanaticism.'


The New Right in the U.S.  made use of globalization's economic stress
and erosion of traditional identities to build a new politics of
resentment.  To fund it, Weyrich and Viguerie, and dozens of others
who learned from them, raised millions from the super-rich of the right:
Mellon's Scaife Foundations, Coors' Castle Rock Foundations, the
Bradley Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation and the Olin
Foundation, just to name the top five with combined assets of nearly
$2 billion.  They helped to deploy the money to build dozens of think
tanks and hundreds of policy groups and coalitions, such as the
Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation, and the Rockford
Institute, just to name a few.  And they gave resentment a political
focus, particularly around the themes of race, gender and class.

* Race.  They used post-segregation affirmative action and immigration
growth to fuel chauvinism and racism rooted in the fear of the erosion
of white privilege.

* Gender.  They used independence won by women in reproductive rights
and entry into the workforce, along with the gains of the gay rights
movement, to grow female insecurity over family breakups and to
nurture the 'angry white male' syndrome in response to challenges to
weakened traditional notions of masculinity and male identity.

* Class.  They used class anger over job loss and wage decline,
stemming from capital flight and outsourcing, to target the 'power
elites' of corporate liberalism and its mass media.

The key launching pad was the 'right to life' movement. This
grassroots campaign emerged after the Supreme Court's Roe v.  Wade
decision in the 1970s.  Pushed by the Catholic Church and the more
conservative Christian Protestants in the South and Southwest, the
anti-choice movement gave the New Right elites the opening they needed
for a broader mass base.  They quickly deployed their direct mail,
think tank and electronic media networks to build and coordinate a
vast single-issue, direct action movement around the issue of abortion.

They were very successful.  By the late 1980s, the right-to-life
movement had mobilized millions and was becoming an important factor
in elections.  Some elements had become quite militant, like Operation
Rescue, which organized regional mobilizations to shut down abortion
clinics in cities like Atlanta, Los Angeles and Wichita. Reversing Roe
v.  Wade had become a moral crusade, demagogically borrowing rhetoric
from the last century's abolitionists, and engaging in mass civil
disobedience. In some cases, extremists took it to the level of armed
assault and murder of health professionals.

But the New Right was interested in much more than changing abortion
laws.  They wanted political power themselves, not just an alliance
with the politically powerful.  They decided to transform single-issue
mass action and lobbying campaigns into a multi-issue, grassroots
electoral operation.  The only question was whether to do it inside or
outside of the GOP.  They decided to do both, but the main emphasis
was taking over the Republican Party from the bottom up.  Thomas
Frank, in his current best-seller, What's the Matter with Kansas,
describing the 1992 'Voter's Revolt' in Kansas, put it clearly:

'This was no moderate affair.  The ones who were actually poised to
take back control of the system [from GOP moderates and a few
Democrats] were the anti-abortion protesters.  Theirs was a grassroots
movement of the most genuine kind, born in protest, convinced of its
righteousness, telling and retelling its stories of persecution at the
hands of the cops, the judges, the state, and the comfortable
classes...  Now they were putting their bodies on the line for the
right wing of the Republican party.  Most important of all, the
conservative cadre were dedicated enough to show up in force for
primary elections...  And in 1992, this populist conservative movement
conquered the Kansas Republican Party from the ground up.'

What happened in Kansas was part of a bigger picture, a longer-term,
nationwide and carefully thought out set of strategy and tactics.  One
of the more interesting explanations of this was put forward by talk
radio ace, Rush Limbaugh.  In his 1994 book, See, I Told You So,
Limbaugh unveils his fascination with Antonio Gramsci, the Italian
Communist theoretician and leader of the
1920s and early 1930s:

'In the early 1900s, an obscure Italian communist by the name of
Antonio Gramsci theorized that it would take a 'long march through the
institutions' before socialism and relativism would be victorious ...
 Gramsci is certainly not a household name...his name and theories are
well known and understood throughout leftist intellectual circles. 
Gramsci theorized that by capturing these key institutions and using
their power, cultural values would be changed, traditional morals
would be broken down, and the stage would be set for the political and
economic power of the West to fall...Gramsci succeeded in defining a
strategy for waging cultural warfare...  Why don't we simply get in
the game and start competing for control of these key cultural
institutions?  In other words, why not fight back?'

Gramsci himself often noted that his views on strategy and tactics
were not the intellectual property of the left alone.  In fact he
developed them, in part, through an analysis of how Mussolini and his
fascists rose to power in a lurch-by-lurch 'passive revolution'
against both the liberal bourgeoisie and the working-class left of Italy.

In fact, by combining Limbaugh's views and efforts with those of his
New Right godfathers, think-tank builder Weyrich and direct mail
computer whiz Viguerie, one gets a clear outline of a Gramscian
strategy deployed by the right.  Here's what it looks like:

* IDENTIFY THE MAIN ENEMY.  Here the New Right's target is both
corporate liberalism, whose political hegemony in 1960 was cracked by
the decade of revolt that followed, and the 1960s New Left, which had
won a new kind of cultural hegemony in the next decades, even if it
failed to consolidate those gains politically.  To the right, it
didn't matter if corporate liberalism and the new left were
fundamentally opposed; it suited their purposes to morph them into
one, not even wincing when, say, describing the New York Times as an
organ of the far left.  To wage populist class warfare against both
the left and corporate liberalism, the left had to be joined at the
hip with elites that provoked resentment

* BUILD COUNTER-THEORY.  Since liberalism had near-
hegemony in the universities, at least in the schools of liberal arts,
the New Right established think tanks and publishers as
counter-institutions to train the next generation of cadre who could
challenge the elite's ivory towers.  With foresight, it funded several
diverse schools of thought: traditionalist, libertarian, secular
neo-conservative, theocratic and paleo-conservative nationalists and

* BUILD MASS COMMUNICATIONS.  The New Right is best known through
flamboyant people like Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage in
their daily polemics on talk radio.  But the Christian right's
religious media and direct mail infrastructure is far flung,
especially Pat Robertson's global Christian Broadcasting Network.
Christian theocrat James Dobson's popular radio program, Focus on the
Family, alone claims to reach four million people every day, with up
to 25 million more occasional listeners.  FOTF is carried by 4,000
radio and TV stations in 40 countries.  Its name also refers to its
sister organization, the Family Research Council, a powerful lobbying
organization.  It has thousands of employees, with even its own zip
code in Colorado Springs.  It has a mailing list of 2 million
supporters, and gets 12,000 letters, calls and e-mails every day.

* BUILD BASE COMMUNITIES.  These are situated in churches-mainly
Assemblies of God, Pentecostal, and some Southern Baptists and right
Presbyterians.  These have evolved into grassroots political caucuses,
mainly in the GOP, but also in the Reform Party and the Taxpayer's Party.

* BUILD THE COUNTER-HEGEMONIC BLOC.  This involves broader alliances,
like the Christian Coalition, that pulls in Mormons and Catholic
rightists.  Some forms draw in conservative Jews as well.

* TAKE POWER IN GOVERNMENT.  The main approach so far is taking over
the GOP and purging the party of its moderates, and then winning
elections and appointments by combining voting with direct action and
any other means necessary.

* RADICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF SOCIETY.  There is a range of approaches
here, from secular NeoCon global projects to theocratic reconstruction
of government, law and the Constitution to purge it of Enlightenment
values and subordinate them to Biblical law.  The steady drift is
toward the far right.


What are the results of this strategy?  The February 2002 issue of
Campaigns & Elections, a trade journal for campaign workers and
pundits on all sides, published a study, 'Spreading Out and Digging
In,' by Kimberly Conger and John Green, that demonstrated considerable
growth of the religious right in the GOP over the past decade.  The
Christian Statesman, a right theocratic publication, recently summed
up the C&E study this way:

'Christian conservatives now hold a majority of seats in 36% of all
Republican Party state committees (or 18 of 50 states), plus large
minorities in 81% of the rest, double their strength from a decade
before.  They are weak in just 6 states (plus D.C.), all northeastern.
 As the study put it, Christians are 'gaining influence by spreading
out to more states and digging in when faced with opposition.' Once
dismissed as a small regional movement, 'Christian conservatives have
become a staple of politics nearly everywhere.''

Once ensconced in the GOP, the Christian right then uses the threat to
go with a third party or to boycott key campaigns to move it ever
further in their direction. Focus on the Family's Dobson has been most
outspoken on this tactic: 'If they get disinterested in the values of
the people who put them in office as they have done in the past,' he
said in a Jan.  17, 2005 NPR interview, 'if that happens again, I
believe the Republican Party will pay an enormous price in four years
and maybe two.' Dobson spelled out just what he meant in an earlier
1998 article in US News: 'It doesn't take that many votes to do it. 
You just look how many people are there by just a hair, [who won their
last election by] 51 percent to 49 percent, and they have a 10- or
11-vote majority.  I told [House Majority Whip] Tom DeLay, 'I really
hope you guys don't make me try to prove it, because I will.' '

As Dobson indirectly indicates, it would be a mistake to see the GOP
today as simply a tool of the Christian right.  The reality is more
complex, and the topography of right-of-center politics in the U.S. 
in 2005 reveals an often bewildering cluster of colluding and
contending schools of thought, as well as varying degrees of power and
influence.  In the broadest strokes, they can be separated into three
main groupings-secular conservatives, religious conservatives, and the
anti-conservative racialists.

* SECULAR CONSERVATIVES.  Here are mainly the multinational
businessmen, neoconservatives and right libertarians.  These people
may be privately religious, but their faith is usually separate from
pragmatic politics.  Some are pro-choice and want to maintain a
separation of church and state.  In their view, growing their
businesses trumps promoting religion in the political arena.  Former
Secretary of State George Schultz and Vice President Dick Cheney are
typical examples.

* RELIGIOUS CONSERVATIVES.  These fall into two main groupings,
Christian nationalists and Christian theocrats.  What's the
difference?  When Bush says, as he did at a recent press conference,
that his faith in God drives his politics, but that Jews, Muslims and
even non-believers can be equally patriotic and welcome in an America
that wants to spread its message around the world, he is expressing a
Christian nationalism tinged with U.S. hegemonism.

The Christian theocrats, on the other hand, view other world faiths as
Satanic that need to be fought, subdued and eventually eliminated. 
House GOP leader Rep.  Tom Delay (R-TX) and Pat Robertson, founder of
the Christian Coalition and a GOP presidential candidate in 1988, are
typical examples.

The Catholic right and Jewish right are best put in their own
subgroups under this heading, since they often are not comfortable in
a permanent alliance with the Christian right, especially its
theocratic trend, which is often anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish.

Finally, there are the Paleo-Conservatives.  They see themselves
rooted in traditional, often aristocratic, Christian denominations,
such as Anglicans or pre-Vatican II Catholicism, but defend a much
older conservatism that is wary of theocracy.  They define themselves
nationalists, isolationists and even patriots of various U.S.  states
or regions, such as the South, and are strongly opposed to the
NeoCons, which they view as closet Jewish leftists, in the main.  Most
PaleoCons even opposed invading Iraq as a 'Jacobin' adventure of the
NeoCons.  Pat Buchanan is a prime spokesman.

* ANTI-CONSERVATIVE RACIALISTS.  This is the extreme right, which is
revolutionary rather than reformist, and often expresses a populist
contempt for both secular and religious conservatives.  It includes
the Ku Klux Klan network.  But the executed Oklahoma City terror
bomber, Timothy McVeigh, is the most recent well-known example. He was
a student of William Pierce, author of the anti- Semitic and
anti-Black manifesto, The Turner Diaries, and founder of the neo-Nazi
National Alliance.  In the last years of his life, Pierce worked to
build a global network of neo-Nazi groups, as well as met in the
Middle East with Islamist fundamentalists to extend his reach. Their
religious views, to the extent that they have any, are either
neo-pagan or 'Christian Identity,' which combines pagan beliefs with
the notion that 'Aryans' are the true descendants of Israel, with Jews
and Blacks descended from pre-Adamic, Satanic and subhuman 'Mud
People.' The mass base is in the armed militia movements, the Aryan
Brotherhood white gangs in prisons, and the skinheads among alienated
youth.  While relatively small (they still number in the tens of
thousands) these groups are an armed and dangerous wild card that
could surge under crisis conditions.


For a more all-sided understanding of U.S.  politics today, it needs
to be stressed that the conservative right is only one sector of the
ruling class.  Like most countries in the world, the U.S. has not been
immune to how globalization, especially the emergence of a
transnational capitalist class (TNC), has changed its own class
structures and political priorities.  Most industrialized and even
many developing countries have witnessed the emergence of complex
conflicts between their domestic partners of TNC, their nation-based
capitalists with multinational reach, their capitalists limited to
their own domestic market, and, last but not least, the broad masses
of their own population.  It is often expressed in the conflict of
neoliberal free marketer vs. national protectionist, globalist vs.
nationalist, or multilateralist vs. unilateralist.

This worldwide conflict takes on a special character here.  The U.S. 
is a superpower and, since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of
the Soviet Union, it has found itself caught between two visions, one
rooted in the past and the other in the future.

The first vision sees a unipolar world with the U.S. having emerged
victorious as the sole superpower, and one that is ready and willing
to challenge any other power or bloc of powers seeking to change the
present relations of power.  This is the politics of U.S. hegemonism,
where U.S.  sovereignty is unrestricted and all other sovereignties
are limited.  It is the variant of U.S.  nationalism that is the core
of the ruling GOP coalition under George W Bush.

The second vision sees the emergence of a new multipolar world.  It is
a global arena where the TNC is emerging in a way that is not tied to
any one national state, where new forms of global governance are
emerging, where new regional power blocs are developing and the
national interests of every state are advanced, ironically, by
accepting some restriction on their sovereignty.  This is the politics
of multilateralist globalism.  U.S. nationalism and national interests
here are mediated in the form of corporate liberal internationalism
expressed by the Democratic Leadership Council and the John Kerry
campaign, now the minority opposition in Congress, such as it is.

This was the core conflict of the 2004 election.  It explains why
globalist billionaires like George Soros were going all out to defeat
Bush.  It also explains why the race wasn't between antiwar and
pro-war candidates, since the corporate liberal line remains, 'Now
that we're there, we can't just leave.  We have to stabilize the
country and the region.' It also explains why so many forces
internationally expressed their anti-hegemonism by opposing the Iraq
invasion-whether from a pro-globalist, nationalist and popular
democratic perspective.

It would be reductionist, however, simply to stop here. There are
complex nests of contradictions and conflicts in American political
life.  But the most important set to look at for understanding and
combating the rise of the right are the conflicts within the GOP and
Bush's ruling coalition.

conflict between the wealthiest sector of the GOP, on one side, and
smaller business and labor GOP voters, on the other.  Unfortunately,
the more grassroots side pulls the GOP even further to the right. Its
anti-immigration stance led some, like Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan, to
run against the GOP on the Reform Party ticket.  The latest expression
of this is the Minuteman Project, groups of paramilitary vigilantes
setting up their own patrols of the Mexican border.

* PRO-WAR VS. ANTIWAR.  Opposition to the Iraq War in the GOP comes
from several quarters.  Many libertarians, along with right populists
like Buchanan, oppose 'Empire' from a nationalist and isolationist
perspective.  There is also resentment among high military officers in
the Pentagon against policies of the NeoCons that are viewed as
adventurist and ill-planned.  They look to Colin Powell and Wesley
Clark over George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld.

nationalists like Bush tend to give priority to their patriotism even
as they promote the agenda of the religious right generally.  The
theocrats, on the other hand, are openly hostile to Islam as Satanic.
 Bush has had to criticize at least one of his top theocratic right
generals for anti-Islamic remarks, and also had to distance himself
from Rev.  Franklin Graham, son of Rev. Billy Graham, who launched
similar attacks on Islam.  In their own journals, the theocrats
criticize Bush for 'capitulating to polytheism' and warn their
followers that they still have a way to go before the GOP is
reconstructed along Biblical lines.  Some of this turmoil also erupted
in the Terry Schiavo 'right to die' case, where Frist, DeLay and their
theocratic allies over-reached themselves in attacking the judiciary.
 Bush had to backpedal in the face of a mass backlash.

* ZIONIST VS.  ANTI-SEMITE.  While the most virulent anti-Semites are
in the neo-Nazi groups, which often give rhetorical support to Arabs
fighting Israel, overt anti-Semitism also reaches into the populist
and paleo-conservative trends.  This puts them at odds, at least
superficially, with the so-called Christian Zionists among the
theocrats.  It needs to be stressed, however, that this so-called
Zionism, even as it is welcomed by the Israelis, is at its core also
anti-Semitic.  The theocrats embrace Israel because it is a sign of
the 'End Times,' meaning the Rapture, the Apocalypse and the Second
Coming of Christ.  In the Book of Revelations, however, it claims that
only 144,000 Jews will be saved and converted, while the rest will be
destroyed as unbelievers.  These views had a mass impact in the
ongoing best-selling Left Behind book series by Tim LaHaye, which have
sold over 40 million copies.

* 'COLORBLIND' VS.  WHITE SUPREMACIST.  Open white supremacy on the
right in mostly confined to the neo-Nazi and KKK groups, although a
new version celebrating the supposed virtues of 'Euro-American' and
neo-confederate 'Southern traditionalism' perspectives that downgrade
other cultures has emerged among the paleo-conservatives.  When
Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi expressed these views in a tribute
to Sen.  Strom Thurmond, he was compelled to back down by the
'colorblind' version of racism in the GOP, and elsewhere, which uses
the 'not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
character' quote from a Dr.  King speech to oppose affirmative action
and many other programs challenging the structures of white privilege.

* PRO-LIFE VS.  PRO-CHOICE.  There is a relatively small sector of
pro-choice Republicans, centered mainly among the old-school
'Rockefeller moderates' in the Northeast and among libertarians. 
Christine Todd Whitman, former New Jersey governor and Environmental
Protection Agency secretary, speaks for the group in her new book,
It's My Party, Too: The Battle for the Heart of the GOP and the Future
of America.  Others in this group include Colin Powell, Rudolph
Giuliani, John McCain, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and George Pataki. 
While their influence in the party is under a cloud, they are often
put front and center at GOP conventions to appeal to a broader range
of voters.

* AUTHORITARIAN VS.  LIBERTARIAN.  The right libertarians in the U.S
are centered in the Cato Institute think tank.  They have their own
party, while some also run as Republicans.  Rep.  Ron Paul (R-TX) is
the prime example. He attacks the current GOP Christian right for
departing from the conservative libertarianism of the late Barry
Goldwater in favor of 'a program of bigger government at home, more
militarism abroad, and less respect for constitutional freedoms.' He
is outspoken against the war in Iraq, against restriction on civil
liberties, but offers 'critical support' for anti-abortion
legislation. Libertarians and some of their sometimes allies, like
George Schultz and William Buckley, also go against the tide on the
so-called war on drugs, arguing the drugs laws merely increase the
profits in the drug trade and thus expand it.  They argue for

Thus not every Republican is a conservative, although the conservative
right clearly has the upper hand.  Nor is every conservative part of
the Christian right, although the Christian right is in the White
House, dominates the GOP in the Congress, and is working for
all-around hegemony at all levels of the party in all 50 states. 
Finally, not all of the Christian right are considered Christian
theocrats, although the theocrats are a militant growing minority,
strong in the grassroots social movements, and lined up with powerful
allies in Congress, especially Frist and Delay.


Just who are the Christian theocrats?  Are they really a new form of
fascism arising in American politics in the 21st century?

The short answer is 'Yes.' But the longer answer starts off by noting
that fascism in the past has come in many flavors, and more than one
political theoretician, liberal and leftist, has come up with more
than one set of characteristics defining fascism.  Fascism, moreover,
does not require swastikas or black shirts or even a close match with
the political and economic conditions of pre-Hitler Germany.  In fact,
back in the 1930s, Louisiana Governor Huey Long ironically noted that,
'When fascism comes to America it will come disguised as anti-fascism.'

Mussolini coined the term from the Latin 'fasces,' the word for the
wooden rods used by ancient Romans for beating their subordinates.  A
number of these rods were bound together in a bundle to symbolize
unbreakable strength, and carried in front of the Emperor's
processions.  (If you have an American Mercury-head dime from
1915-1945, look on the back to see the fasces symbol of authority.)
But Mussolini himself was quite slippery when it came to defining
fascism.  In one 1925 speech, however, he summed it up this way:

'Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against
the State.'

Now look at the key tenets of the Calvinist theology of the
Pentecostal and Presbyterian right in the U.S.  from which the new
'dominionist' theocratic trend called 'Christian reconstructionism'
has arisen:

'Everything in Christ, nothing outside of Christ, nothing against
Christ,' which is modeled on Romans 11:36 'Of Him, and through Him,
and to Him are all things.'

Today's Christian Reconstructionism, was launched chiefly in the late
1960s by Rev.  R.  John Rushdoony, founder of the Chalcedon
Foundation.  His most famous work, Institutes of Biblical Law in 1965,
takes its title from the 16th Century John Calvin's Institutes of the
Christian Religion.  Rushdoony's basic idea is that all human social
and political institutions must be 'reconstructed' to bring them in
line with a literal absolutist reading of the Bible.  Since this
includes the barbaric penalties in the Book of Leviticus, Christian
theocracy looks forward to the following, and their writings are
rather open about it:

* Death penalty for abortionists, gays and disobedient women under

* Liberal democracy is a product of anti-Christian Enlightenment and
French Revolution

* Public schools must be abandoned for home schools.

* 'Biblical' slavery is justified for non-Christian prisoners,
captives in war, and, in some cases, disobedient women.

* The Bible is the ultimate test of scientific truth.

Many have drawn the parallel with the radical Islamist imposition of
The Koran and 'Sharia law' on Muslim societies.  They make an
excellent point, even though both Rushdoony and the Islamists would
consider each other the tools of Satan.  Rushdoony, who has wide
influence in fundamentalist circles, especially Presbyterian and
Pentecostal, died in 2001, but his foundation and work are continued
by his son, Rev.  Mark Rushdoony and other Reconstructionist theologians.

The Rev.  George Grant, founder of the Franklin Classical School in
Tennessee, is among them.  One of his recent books, The Blood of the
Moon, which takes its title from a line in the Koran, argues that the
Islamic world must be conquered and subdued by military might, in
order to bring about their conversion, and the current war in Iraq is
only the beginning.  Here's the message from his The Changing of the
Guard: Biblical Principles for Political Action, published in 1987:

'Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy
responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have
dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life
and godliness.

'But it is dominion we are after.  Not just a voice.

'It is dominion we are after.  Not just influence.

'It is dominion we are after.  Not just equal time.

'It is dominion we are after.

'World conquest.  That's what Christ has commissioned us to
accomplish.  We must win the world with the power of the Gospel.  And
we must never settle for anything less...  Thus, Christian politics
has as its primary intent the conquest of the land -- of men,
families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the
Kingdom of Christ.' (pp.  50-51)

One further point needs to be pointed out and clarified regarding
Reconstructionism.  Christian theocrats can be divided into two
schools, premillenialists and postmillennialists.  The
premillenialists believe the End Times are relatively soon, where
Jesus will return to govern over a 1000-year Kingdom of God.  This is
the view expressed in LaHaye's Left Behind series and the movies about
The Rapture.  Their special danger is their Christian Zionism, where
they lobby both Bush and the Israelis not to give a single inch of
land to the Palestinians.  Here's an example of their take on Iraq
from a recent 700 Club News-Talk show on CBN:

'It has nothing to do with oil.  It has everything to do with that
there's 1.2 million Muslims that have been deceived by the false God
Allah, and that the God of heaven, Jehovah, is now in the process of
doing war if you will against that spirit to ...  break the power of
deception so those people can be exposed to the gospel.' (Interviewee
Glenn Miller.)

While the Reconstructionists would agree with this, they are
postmillennialists.  This means they don't think the Second Coming
will occur until after a 1000 years of theocratic rule, which is
required to prepare and purify the way for Jesus.  Their special
danger is their longer-term, but step-by-step strategy to take over
and purge secular governments and institutions worldwide-by elections
if they can, by warfare if necessary.

Reconstructionists, for example, are currently leading the right's
assault on the U.S.  Judiciary.  Their allies have introduced the
Constitution Restoration Act (CRA) in Congress-HR 1070 in the House
and SB 520 in the Senate.  The CRA affirms the right of government
officials to 'acknowledge God as the source of law, liberty and
government.' It prohibits federal judges from using foreign laws and
judgments as the basis for rulings.  The theocrats were opposed to the
recent Supreme Court prohibiting the death penalty for juveniles as
cruel and unusual punishment, and particularly upset with Justice
Anthony Kennedy, when he pointed out that the U.S.  was now in tune
with international law.  'The opinion of the world community,' he
said, 'while not controlling our outcome, does provide respected and
significant confirmation for our own conclusions.' The CRA says, in part:

'In interpreting and applying the Constitution of the United States, a
court of the United States may not rely upon any constitution, law,
administrative rule, Executive order, directive, policy, judicial
decision, or any other action of any foreign state or international
organization or agency, other than English constitutional and common
law up to the time of the adoption of the Constitution of the United

This is both interesting and dangerous for what it includes, as well
as for what it excludes.  Why nail down the time, for instance, as
1788?  The reason is that the French Revolution's 'Declaration of the
Rights of Man' followed a year later, in 1789.  In the years ahead
were also the Civil War Amendments, the Geneva Conventions, the
Nuremburg Principles, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, among other milestones.  The theocrats behind the CRA view
most of these as inspired by the Enlightenment, and therefore Satanic
and anti-Biblical.  It basically means the CRA is an enabling act for
abolishing the separation of church and state and a launching pad for
theocratic lawmaking.

'There's a, you know, majority on the Supreme Court,' James Dobson
proclaimed at the April 24, 2005 'Justice Sunday' TV broadcast. 
'They're unelected and unaccountable and arrogant and imperious and
determined to redesign the culture according to their own biases and
values, and they're out of control.  And I think they need to be
reined in.' The court's majority does not care, he added, 'about the
sanctity of life...  plus this matter of judicial tyranny to people of
faith, and that has to stop.'


Despite its religious trappings, progressive activists familiar with
the left's traditional writings on fascism will have little problem
recognizing this phenomenon for what it is.  Georgi Dimittrov, a
Bulgarian communist and leader of the Comintern in the late 1930s and
1940s, formulated the widely accepted view that 'Fascism is the open
terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinist, most
imperialist element of finance capital' (Speech to the 7th Comintern
Congress in 1935). Later, in 1947, when anti-communism was rising in
the U.S., he added: 'The fascist tendencies in the US are
ideologically masked with the aspects of 'Americanism', 'defense of
the free initiative', 'safeguard of democracy', 'support to the free
peoples', 'defense of the free institutions', 'safeguard against
totalitarianism'.  The people who restored fascism in the US are not
so naïve that they would mechanically repeat the ideology spread by
Goebbels and Rosenberg and that failed catastrophically...  This is
why they mask their aspirations to hegemony and cleverly use the ideas
of 'freedom', 'democracy' and 'peace'.  The forms of fascist ideology
appear to have changed but their content remains the same.  It is the
aspiration to world domination.'

The anti-fascism of Gramsci, while largely in agreement with
Dimittrov, has a number of different dimensions. First, Gramsci speaks
of fascism's coming to power in which he terms 'passive revolution,'
meaning that it can happen in fits and starts over a long period; it
can happen through a quick seizure of power, but he stresses its 'war
of position,' of gradually accumulating forces in a counter-hegemonic
bloc against the liberal bourgeoisie and the left.  At the final
moment, it shifts to the 'war of maneuver,' or frontal assault, when
its adversaries are weak and divided, rather than united and
insurgent.  He also stresses fascism as a social movement with allies
in related social movements.  Finally, he advocates the reverse of
this process for the left: the war of position to build up progressive
strength and allies, growing counter-hegemonic institutions and
centers of independent power, the formation of the multiclass historic
bloc of all forces preparing to fight fascist hegemony, break up its
power and destroy its influence.  Within the counter-hegemonic bloc,
according to Gramsci, the working-class left rises to power and influence.

These are only two of the more prominent left theorists on the
question of fascism and how to fight it.  There are many others.  In
the third world, Mao Zedong and the Communist Party of China made a
powerful contribution to the united front against fascism, both in
defeating the Japanese and Mao's theory of New Democracy for building
strength in the base areas.  More recently, some of the most
sophisticated developments in the theory of the united front in the
national liberation movement and against imperialist war were written
by Truong Chinh, a Vietnamese revolutionary who eventually became
General Secretary and President of the unified Vietnam.

In the end, however, fighting the theocratic right in the U.S.  today
is not so much a matter of determining whether one or another of past
definitions is more correct; rather, it is a matter of finding the
best guidelines and methods for solving the problem at hand, whether
it's called fascism, neofascism, theocratic reaction or simply the
anti-democratic right.


Defeating the new fascism in America requires a broad nonpartisan
alliance to defend peace, democracy and diversity.  Such an alliance
needs to anchor itself, first and foremost, in the institutions and
social movements that have proven themselves over the past decades as
bulwarks of democracy.  But it must reach beyond a core of progressive
forces to win over and activate more moderate forces inside and
outside of all political parties and throughout civil society that are
willing to take a stand against war and the growing danger of the
anti-democratic right.

A good starting point is the African-American church.  In its
majority, this is demonstrably one of the most, if not the most,
democratic institutions in our society.  It has a strong track record
of activism for social justice and for building alliances far beyond
its base community.  Especially important in this fight, it has
historically, in its majority, been a source of an alternative
liberation theology and culture that has been the voice of the poor
and oppressed and has challenged, exposed, shamed and defeated the
most reactionary traditional theocratic and political reactionaries. 
Similar points can be made about the social justice commitment of the
Latino church, as well as the traditional global justice and peace
commitments of the Quakers, Unitarians, and liberal-minded Catholics,
Jews and Muslims.

A second starting point of primary importance is the women's movement
and the related struggles around gender and sexual orientation.  These
are not only targets of the right's most public venomous hatreds, they
have proven capable of mobilizing millions to defend their rights, the
rights of others under fire, and to promote a progressive agenda in
the legislative and electoral arenas.

Of critical importance are youth and students.  This is a primary
battleground in the war of ideas between democracy and intolerant
reaction.  Young people are the future, the fresh thinkers, the
conscience and the front-line fighters of social change.  On one side,
progressive youth have been at the forefront of the fight against war
and for global justice.  They have been audacious and creative at
confronting the right.  The theocrats, however, have also targeted
youth in creative ways.  Christian Rock has been developed as a
powerful recruiting force and as a critic of the more decadent and
anti-social elements of popular culture.  Enormous amounts of money
have also been spent by the conservative right to develop political
organizations on campuses and youth ministries in working-class

The newly insurgent wing of the labor movement also has an important
role.  The working-class base of the right is within its reach.  The
unions can be the source of an alternative economic agenda that
opposes the low-road advocates of an unrestricted 'free' market.  It
can counterpose economic democracy to the businesses that produce the
'race-to-the-bottom' policies--policies that widely spread insecurity
and anxiety into the working people and leaves them open to the
anti-immigrant, xenophobic rhetoric of the far right.

How can this alliance of left and center forces be developed?  Here
it's useful to recapture the Gramscian model the right itself has
borrowed from the left:

* IDENTIFY & NARROW THE TARGET.  Our main adversary is the
anti-democratic right, which includes the war-making hegemonists, the
NeoCons and much of the conservative right, especially the religious
right in power.  While we expose their roots in the most reactionary
sectors of big capital, we are not opposing corporations or capitalism
in general.  The idea is to isolate and divide the right, defeating
its components step by step.

* BUILD COUNTER-THEORY.  The progressive movement needs to expand the
number of progressive and radical democracy think thanks and policy
centers available to it, and to encourage cooperation among them.  The
right is extremely sophisticated about its propaganda output and it
require dedicated resources to counter it and provide alternatives. 
It is not enough, for instance, to expose their effort to undermine
the public schools. Viable, progressive alternatives for school reform
must be developed as well.  The same goes for economic growth
projects, both here and abroad.

* BUILD MASS COMMUNICATIONS.  This requires both developing
independent media and putting more critical heat on the existing mass
media, especially those not owned or controlled by the conservative
right.  Most working journalists, electronic and print, have no great
love for the far right or the religious right, and can be worked with
via progressive media watch projects and other publicity projects. 
But the left is still relatively weak in talk radio, despite its
advances in the use of the internet with projects like Indymedia, and

* BUILD BASE COMMUNITIES.  Real people power is not built merely
through coalitions of letterheads.  Without grassroots organizations
in neighborhoods, workplaces, schools and churches, there is no way to
mobilize the political forces for the kind of electoral and mass
action needed to defeat pro-theocratic legislation and remove the
conservative and religious right from power.

* BUILD WIDER ALLIANCES.  With an organized network of base
communities as an anchor, it is possible to reach out even further to
the anti-theocratic groupings and caucuses within more moderate church
and civic organizations, as well as in the Democratic and Republican
parties.  The 'war of position' to develop these kind of alliances is
the true substance of the counter-hegemonic bloc aimed at the right.

* DENY POWER, TAKE POWER.  Defeating war and the danger of fascism
requires removing the warmongers and budding fascists from positions
of political power.  There is no way to do this without a protracted,
bottom-up battle to build independent electoral organization and to
reform the election system itself in favor of wider, multiparty
democracy.  The progressive and democratic forces in America need
their own political party, and the time to start building it is now. 
But in the meantime, as a broad nonpartisan alliance, there is every
reason to select appropriate lists of candidates from all parties for
the progressive grassroots organizations to elect, to bypass or to
defeat.  Through the experience of these campaigns, positive and
negative, the strength and knowledge will be grown to carry on and win
the battle for democracy on a much higher level.

The United States has gone through a number of periods in its history
where the right has been ascendant.  The counter-revolution against
Reconstruction following the Hayes-Tilden deal was arguably the worst,
with the rise of Klan terror against the Black freedmen in the South.
Even Hitler saw fit to model some of his repressive legislation on the
KKK-inspired 'Black Codes' in the U.S.  But the WW I anti-red Palmer
Raids, including the imprisonment of Socialist presidential candidate
Eugene V.  Debs, left their mark, as did the armed repression of
strikes and sharecroppers in the 1930s.  After WW 2, the McCarthy
period and Smith Act trials helped create the so-called 'Silent
Generation' of the 1950s.

In each period, however, the left was able to resist, survive and
eventually turn the tide in another direction.  It must be said that
in each case, it did not do so alone, but reached out far beyond
itself.  In fact, this is the first question of strategy: Who are our
friends; who are our adversaries?  As Alvin Toffler once noted, if you
don't have a strategy, then you end up being part of someone else's
strategy.  This is a critical point to take to heart, especially when
our task is not only to understand the rise of the right, but also to
forge the tools required to do something about it.

[Carl Davidson is a founder of the Global Studies Association of North
America, a member of Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and
Socialism, and executive director of Networking for Democracy, 3411 W
Diversey, Chicago IL 60647.  This paper was delivered at the 4th
Annual GSA meeting in Knoxville, TN, May 13-15
2005, and in a shorter form at the Chicago Social Forum, May 1, 2005] 

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