Dialog (wx.dialog) é un trebello/widget das wxpython/wxwidgets similar a wx.frame, ámbolos amosan unha xanela. O dialog adoita ser modal mentres que a frame non.


En 21/01/2014 17:44, Xosé escribiu:
Din co texto seguinte nun paquete chamado «dialog» para crear caixas de diálogo a partir de scripts de consola. Diría de incluír estes tipos para un acordo, xa que temos tamén as definicións.


The following types of boxes are at your disposal:\n
yes/no Typical query style box with "Yes" and "No" answer buttons\n menu A scrolling list of menu choices with single entry selection\n
 input            Query style box with text entry field\n
message Similar to the yes/no box, but with only an "Ok" button\n text A scrollable text box that works like a simple file viewer\n info A message display that allows asynchronous script execution\n checklist Similar to the menu box, but allowing multiple selections\n
 radiolist        Checklist style box allowing single selections\n
 gauge            Typical "progress report" style box\n
tail Allows viewing the end of files (tail) that auto updates\n
 background tail  Similar to tail but runs in the background.\n
 editbox          Allows editing an existing file

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