On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:10:51AM +0200, Cedric Cellier wrote:
> Pth manual affirm that there is a distinct errno for each threads.
> The source code attemps to save it into the context structure "error"
> member.
> But the following program, when tried with libpth 2.0.7 on Debian
> lenny, on amd64, fails :
> The context sitch method guessed by configure on this system is swapcontext().
> I cannot find in libpth source code where errno is saved when using this 
> method.
> Also, swapcontext manpage does not say that something is done about errno.
> Am I wrong or does pth_mctx_switch() miss to save errno ?

The correct question should be:
* In which cases is pth_yield allowed to touch the errno?

The manual mention the error case, but does not talk about the normal

$ man 3 errno:
|        A common mistake is to do
|               if (somecall() == -1) {
|                   printf("somecall() failed\n");
|                   if (errno == ...) { ... }
|               }
|        where  errno  no  longer  needs to have the value it had upon return 
from somecall().  If the value of errno should be preserved
|        across a library call, it must be saved:
|               if (somecall() == -1) {
|                   int errsv = errno;
|                   printf("somecall() failed\n");
|                   if (errsv == ...) { ... }
|               }

Based on this, I would say that pth_yield may change the errno in the
normal case too, as its an library call.

mfg Martin Kögler
GNU Portable Threads (Pth)            http://www.gnu.org/software/pth/
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