vergil.exe is produced by the Installshield installer.
It has many bugs, and I'm looking at using other products for the
next release.

I have a list of the bugs at

There are also some troubleshooting tips to try if you are interested
in poking around at the vergil.exe internals by using some somewhat
undocumented command line arguments.

You could poke around on the installshield site and see if there are
any suggestions there for setting the classpath at runtime, but I
don't think you will find a solution there.

The Ptolemy II Windows Installer is really meant for users who will
not be writing their own actors, and want to use Ptolemy II as a
shrink wrapped product.  For serious Ptolemy II work, I suggest using
Cygwin and $PTII/bin/vergil to start up vergil.  $PTII/bin/vergil.bat
is a bit of a hack, $PTII/bin/vergil is more robust.

You can also start up vergil by hand, see

Another solution is to use the following hack:

vergil.exe does look for $PTII/lib/user.jar, so you could put
your other classes in a jar file at that location, see

I don't understand why setting the classpath parameter in vergil.bat
would present a speed limit?  Seems like once you set it properly, you
should not need to set it again?  The classpath can refer to
jar files or to a directory.  If you are using classes that are
not under active development, you could put them in a jar file
and add the jar file to vergil.bat.  If you are using classes 
that are under active development, then you could add the directory
to vergil.bat



    Does anyone know a way to make a new library away from the current library
    tree (under ptolemy/actor/...)! I'm already using a method where I set the
    classpath parameter for java (through the supplied vergil.bat). However,
    this way pose great speed limit on my working activities and I cannot bear
    it any more.
    Does anyone have a way to set a class path using vergil.exe???!!!
    Sameh El-Sabbagh
    Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
    mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posted to the ptolemy-hackers mailing list.  Please send administrative
mail for this list to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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