Kostas Oikonomou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to see if I can use the DE domain of Ptolemy II to
> simulate a simple semi- Markov process.  The main obstacle I've run
> into is that I can't see any way of generating random numbers from
> distributions other than the exponential and normal.
> Is there some relatively easy way of doing this? (i.e. no Java code,
> because I don't know enough Java).  I remember from a while ago that
> Ptolemy Classic had such facilities.

I'm not sure.  I don't know that much about random numbers.

In Ptolemy II 3.0, there are the following actors that generate
random numbers under actor library->random 

Bernoulli - An actor that outputs a random sequence of booleans.
DiscreteRandomSource - An actor that produces tokens with a given
       probability mass function.
Gaussian - An actor that outputs a random sequence with a Gaussian
Rician - An actor that outputs a random sequence with a Rician distribution.
Uniform - An actor that outputs a random sequence with a uniform distribution.

Under actor library -> sources -> timed sources, there is
PoissonClock - A Poisson process clock source.

The expression language has random() and gaussian() functions:

> The functions random() and gaussian() shown in Table 5 on page
> 96 return one or more random numbers. With the minimum number of
> arguments (zero or two, respectively), they return a single
> number. With one additional argument, they return an array of the
> specified length. With a second additional argument, they return a
> matrix with the specified number of rows and columns.

> There is a key subtlety when using these functions in Ptolemy II. In
> particular, they are evaluated only when the expression within which
> they appear is evaluated. The result of the expression may be used
> repeatedly without re-evaluating the expression. Thus, for example, if
> the <i>value</i> parameter of the <i>Const</i> actor is set to
> "random()</font>", then its output will be a random constant, i.e., it
> will not change on each firing. The output will change, however, on
> successive runs of the model. In contrast, if this is used in an
> Expression actor, then each firing triggers an evaluation of the
> expression, and consequently will result in a new random number.

random() and gaussian() are declared in
You could add other functions to that file.

You could also use the interface to Matlab, see

Someone else on the list might have other suggestions.


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