Use $PTII/bin/copernicus
Try $PTII/bin/copernicus -help
to get all the arguments.

In Ptolemy II 3.0.2, the copernicus command is difficult to use
because of double quoting problems.  Steve Neuendorffer fixed these
problems so that in the up coming release, the software is easier to

ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/makefile has a sample copernicus command.

To generate shallow code for IIR.xml in /tmp/ptII, one would do:

$PTII/bin/copernicus -codeGenerator '\"shallow\"' -ptIIUserDirectory '\"/tmp/ptII\"' 
-targetPath '\"IIRShallow\"' -targetPackage '\"IIRShallow\"' -modelName '\"IIR\"' 
-modelPath '\"IIR.xml\"'

The '\"...\"' is ugly, but necessary because in Ptolemy II 3.0.2
the parameters are Parameters, not StringParameters. 


    Hi Christopher
    How do I run the shallow code generator from the command line?
    > The shallow code generator will read in certain models and generate
    > java files.
    > (See
    > )
    > Below I ran the shallow code generator on
    > ptII/ptolemy/domains/de/lib/test/auto/Queue.xml
    > and added "throws" lines so that it would compile
    > The file is in the ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/cg/Queue
    > directory, so it is in the package.
    > [EMAIL PROTECTED] 66% pwd
    > /vol/maury/maury2/cxh/ptII/ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/cg/Queue
    > [EMAIL PROTECTED] 67% cat
    > /* CGQueue - Decompiled by JODE
    >  * Visit
    >  */
    > package;

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