Robert Schwebel wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 08:50:46AM -0700, Gary Thomas wrote:
>> What's the reason for having the version of Python tied
>> to the configuration symbol, e.g. PYTHON24 vs PYTHON30?
>> I'm not ready to use Python 3.0, but I would like to move
>> forward to Python 2.5.1.  Having this configuration coupling
>> as is, it makes it tough to move to a different version.
>> n.b. I don't see any similar coupling for other packages...
> The problem is that, for a certain time, we need to go with more than
> one version in parallel.
> - we cannot cross compile python 2.4 from x86_64 to ARM at the moment
> - python 3.0 is highly experimental and I suspect that not all
>   packages out there are already usable with it
> - we have production code out there that uses 2.4, so I cannot drop
>   it right now.
> So for the moment, please see "PYTHON24" as just a name for a packet.
> Do you see a problem with that approach?

Understood.  I need something newer than 2.4.2 and not 3.0,
so I'll just make additional PYTHON25 packet.

I will think about this and see if I can come up with a
more elegant solution.

Gary Thomas                 |  Consulting for the
MLB Associates              |    Embedded world

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