On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:58:45AM +0200, Juergen Beisert wrote:
> When prebuild packages are used while development, how to ensure:
> - they are basing on the same ptxdist configuration
> - they are basing on a well known source code (no local modifications have
>   been made by the developer who built the shared archive the first time)
> - they do not contain unknown dependencies enabled by the automatic decision
>   of 'configure' to add feature A and B (because developer #1 enables some
>   additional packages in his local BSP, not part of the shared configuration)
> - if changes are required (bug fixing for example) and where made on package's
>   source code, are these changes already in the shared archive?
> Keep in mind: While development, all these archives are 'moving targets'. So, 
> the risk is very high their content differs from the expected content.

Th current packages implementation adds a md5sum to the package name. This
md5sum is calculated from the PTXCONF options of the package.
For a properly defined packages, this is enough to detect all external
changes that influence the package. If not, the package is broken, and that
is not something that can be detected with reasonable effort.

Changes to the source code can in theory be detected if they are added as
patches. The reason why it's not done right now is a technical one:
It is too time consuming. The decision whether a package is built or
extracted is made when make calculated the dependencies. Calculating a
md5sum for the patches at that time adds several seconds to the ptxdist
startup time.
I thought about caching the md5sums, but when to refresh this cache?
Can we assume that the patches in ptxdist wont change? We could cache those
and recreate the md5sums for BSP/platform. There are usually only very few
patches in BSP and platform.


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