On 12/13/2012 06:40 AM, Schenk, Gavin wrote:

yesterday I read about the new toolchain, that has Atom optimization by default.

I decided to give it a try and:
Compiled the new toolchain: 
Migrated my project: 2012.10.0 to 2012.12.0
Update Kernel and rt-patchstack: 3.4.2 to 3.6.10

Now the compilation fails on libpng 1.2.50 that is the same version as in 

I'm using libpng on Atom as well. I had a few unrelated (I think) problems with the new wrappers and a problem with CROSS python changes in ptxdist so I had to revert back to ptxdist as of November 12, 2012 with OSELAS.Toolchain-2011.11.3/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/gcc-4.6.2-glibc-2.14.1-binutils-2.21.1a-kernel-2.6.39-sanitized. I'll make it a point to try to get my build going with the newest ptxdist and toolchain and see if I run into the same problem.

George McCollister

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