News Report Issue 70
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act."
George Orwell
1. Thought for the day - Neil
2. Request:
3. Opinion: Dopey voters - Antonia
4. Opinion: Feminist fantasies - Antonia
5. Opinion: Labor hypocrisy - Antonia
6. Opinion: Only in academia - Antonia
7. Opinion: Black gold - Antonia
8. Opinion: PC Lunacy - spies in restaurants - Antonia
9. Life Sciences: Bank warns against biotech & other articles, Forwarded by Veronica 
10. Feedback: Monarchy v. The Republic - Richard Ward
11. Feedback: Jewish Civil Rights group Pro Guns - Ziff
12. Feedback: Positive lifetime attitudes - Forwarded by Rohan Moxley
13. Feedback: What's is the world coming to - Lego building bricks - Gweilo
14. Feedback Contacts:
15. Editorial Policy:
1. Thought for the day:
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
when first we practice to deceive!"
(Walter Scott, Marmion, VI)
2. Request:
For this online news report to be ultimately effective it must grow to such a size that it and the ideas it espouses can't be ignored. So do your bit and help circulate it far and wide. If we are to challenge the elites (the Packers and the Murdochs) view of history, politics, economics, the environment, the structure of society etc., then we are going to have to do more than wait. We are going to have to be very active and vigilant. We have given you one of the tools (information & a medium for comment) you will need. Help us to help you. Lets fan the flames of knowledge. Spread the word. Editor.
3. Opinion:
Dopey voters

According to a report in the Australian (27/3/00), the National Party is enjoying a resurgence. In a well organised recruiting drive, they signed up 80 members in the small town of Childers in Queensland. They have a team of six field officers recruiting new members and contacting ex-members. They claim to be 'listening' to the grievances of the new members, many of whom are former One Nation people. The Queensland National Party director said, "People are drifting back. They largely went to One Nation, but they are coming back. But we're taking nothing for granted - their disillusion still has to be overcome, and we have to earn the respect of these people."

Well more mug them. How stupid can people get. The ONLY reason the government is paying any attention to the bush is because voters have deserted the major parties. Once they're safely back in the fold, they'll again be treated like the sheep they are, and the destruction will resume. It was only due to the voters' desertion of the major parties that the pace of the destruction has faltered.

The only way to get accountable and representative government in this country is to continue deserting the major parties. If we want a fair go, we have to vote for minor parties and independents. And if we don't, we deserve to be slaves. It's as simple as that.

4. Opinion:
Feminist fantasies

Everybody knows that Tony Blair's wife, Cherie, is expecting their fourth child in May. It seems Mrs Blair, a barrister and a judge, is a staunch feminist and she's hinting she wants Tony to take paternity leave. Fortunately the British people have enough sense left to think their prime minister should give his attention to governing the nation rather than changing nappies.

What a stupid feminist stunt it is, and yet the mainstream media are all treating it seriously. Because she's a feminist, Mrs Blair just wants to set an example to the rabble as to how they should share child-rearing just as she and Tony do.

What rot! As if she or her husband are going to be hands-on parents! He's the prime minister, for Pete's sake, and she's a judge!  Between them they wouldn't be short of a quid, and they're not going to cut back on their careers. They already have a nanny for their other children. What's the bet they employ somebody to care for their baby?

This 'story' is just another example of how the mainstream media insult the intelligence of their readers.

5. Opinion:
"Labor" hypocrisy

The 1982 Labor Party platform constitution and rules makes for some interesting reading. It says, "Labor believes that increasing foreign domination of the Australian economy by foreign-based transnational corporations endangers our national sovereignty and places our resources, technology and the leading role in determining the future pattern of development, at the control of corporations whose interests are not necessarily in accord with the best interests of our nation. Furthermore, their international scale and enormous economic power ... reduce the authority of the elected government over the national economy."

Few would disagree with such fine sentiments. But the very next year, Labor came to power with Hawke as the prime minister. Showing utter contempt for their own party's platform, Hawke and later Keating facilitated the sell-off of Australian industry to foreigners. For 15 years, they, the bureaucrats and the media said the takeover was 'inevitable', as a result of globalisation. But just recently in his new book, Keating confessed they did have a choice.

It's tragic to think that but for Hawke's, Keating's and now Howard's treachery or weakness in not standing up to the globalists, we might still have been an independent nation, a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. Instead, ordinary Australians are buckling under a heavy and soon to be increased burden of taxation.  Why? Because increasingly "Australian" companies' profits go offshore, and big business doesn't pay its fair share of tax.

6. Opinion:
Only in academia

If it weren't so stupid and wasteful, it'd be funny. A University of Tasmania study has 'discovered' that children aged 3 to puberty prefer to associate with their own sex. Mind-blowing stuff, isn't it. Any parent could have told them, as could have any experienced teacher.

Why do hard-earned taxpayers' dollars fund such stupid 'research'?

7. Opinion:
Black gold

Who is surprised to learn that the one gain for the West from its multi-billion dollar illegal war and 'peacekeeping' effort in Kosovo,  has been the setting up of "the splendidly named US Camp Bondsteel. From there, it is hoped to police a trans-Balkan oil pipeline that will pick up oil from Azerbaijan - where politicians have been bribed by British Petroleum to let the government fall into Western-friendly hands." (McDougall Newsletter, 28/3/00). The claim  of political interference was denied by BP, but the evidence is overwhelming.

And the silly billies all thought it was about humanitarian intervention. Evil people prosper because good people simply can't conceive of such greed and ruthlessness. But it was ever so, and there's no reason to believe it doesn't happen now. Human nature doesn't change.

PC lunacy 1 - Spies in restaurants

As reported in The Times (15 / 3 / 00) and the (London) Daily Telegraph (20 / 3 / 00), police in Gloucester, England have instituted an undercover project called Operation Napkin.  It's to catch 'racists'.  Pairs of plain clothed officers are sent out to eat in Chinese and Indian restaurants and listen to conversations at other tables for racist remarks.  Already they've arrested a 51-year-old man for racially aggravated harassment in an Indian restaurant.

PC Plod - oops, Chief Inspector Dean Walker said: "Racist behaviour is unacceptable. The constabulary is now taking a proactive stance in relation to racist offences rather than waiting for people to report them to us. Our aim is to act in the interests of the restaurants and of other diners, who are offended by racist behaviour, but feel reluctant to intervene. We want to encourage the reporting of racial crimes."

Though the incidence of 'racial crimes' is low, the officers have been brainwashed into believing that's just because incidents are unreported. The same brain-dead claim as the feminists make with rape and harassment.

So what's next? Will the police force have spies - for that's what they are - out to catch people for 'homophobia' and xenophobia? Haven't the police enough real crime to solve? Most people would think they should give up spying on diners in restaurants for Incorrect Thoughts and
get back on the beat!

9. Life Sciences:
Reprinted with permission from the April 2000 issue of Alive: Canadian Journal of Health and Nutrition, 7436 Fraser Park Drive, Burnaby, BC V5J 5B9
Biotech News by Richard Wolfson, PhD

Bank Warns Against Biotech
Credit Suisse, one of the world's largest financial advisers, recently sent out several reports warning that the progress of biotech appears doomed due to consumer concern. Analysts stated that food manufacturers are running scared of genetically engineered (GE) crops, and that key questions about the technology may not be answered for several years. These reports from Credit Suisse, whose clients include some of the world's top biotech firms, follow similar warnings by the influential Deutsche Bank in 1999.
Japan Firms Switch
Many food firms in Japan are substituting corn and soybeans with wheat and other grains to ensure their products are free of genetically engineered ingredients.  Nisshin Flour Milling Co., Japan's largest flour miller, has replaced corn starch by wheat starch and soy protein by wheat protein.

Kibun Food Chemifa Co., Japan's largest soybean milk maker, has also removed all GE ingredients. Sugar is being derived from sources other than corn syrup.
Bugs Love "Poison" Crops
Corn genetically engineered to produce a toxin to kill insect pests is only working on some pests.  While this toxin is killing European corn borers, other insects are still surviving and attacking the plants. Consequently, biotech companies are advising farmers to spray the corn with other pesticides.  These and other findings negate claims by industry that biotech crops will reduce the need for pesticides.
Shareholders Demand Ban
Shareholders have begun pressuring corporations worldwide by introducing resolutions to demand a moratorium on GE foods until proper testing is done.  This international shareholder campaign is co-ordinated by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), an umbrella body for 275 religious and other groups, which claims to control $100 billion of shares in US companies. Corporations initially targeted include Coca-Cola, Heinz, Safeway, McDonald's, and Monsanto in USA, as well as Diageo, Pillsbury, and Burger King in Europe.
Animal Feed Safety
Tesco, the largest food retailer in the UK, has removed all genetically modified ingredients from animal feed.  Tesco's decision is impacting Canadian markets since Canada is a major exporter of crops to UK, and animal feed accounts for 80% of GE  crop sales.  Greenpeace Canada campaigner Michael Khoo said "If Tesco can take GMOs out of animal feed, Loblaws can get  them out of human food."
Canadians Mobilise
Over 170,000 Canadians have signed petitions demanding mandatory labelling of genetically engineered foods
.  Individual  petitions were distributed by the Canadian Health Food Association (25,000 names), Biotech Action Montreal (35,000 names), the Natural Law Party (54,000 names),  Action Réseau Consommateur & the Bloc Quebecois (40,000 names), and Council of Canadians (16,000 names), with the support of hundreds of health food stores nation-wide. Many groups including Gene Action (Toronto), Biotech Action Montreal, Council of Canadians, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, EarthSave, and Canadians Alert on Genetic Engineering (CAGE) have organised actions across the country alerting Canadians about the hazards of genetically engineered foods.
Corn Growers Say No
The American Corn Growers Association is warning farmers not to plant genetically modified crops in order to prevent loss of foreign and domestic markets.  Gary Goldberg, CEO of ACGA, said: "Everywhere we turn, our customers are rejecting GMOs [genetically modified organisms]."
Italy Suspends Seven Crops
The Italian government recently banned seven genetically-modified varieties of corn and canola oil
.   Portugal halted production of two genetically modified strains of corn, with 15 other strains expected to be not approved. Human safety and environmental concerns were cited as the reasons.
Woolworth's S. Africa bans GE foods
South African retail chain Woolworths is removing all known genetically modified foods from its shelves until they were proven safe. Other chains are expected to follow.
THE INDEPENDENT, London, 26 March 2000
Europe to act on GM pollution of organic farms BY Geoffrey Lean,
Environment Correspondent
Ministers want Britons to have the power to sue GM companies, and force them to pay massive damages if they harm health, the environment or livelihoods. They are backing moves in the European Parliament to make Monsanto and other giant firms financially responsible for any ill-effects of their activities. They are particularly keen to safeguard organic farmers, who face ruin if their crops are contaminated with pollen from GM crops. The measure would dramatically shift the balance of power in the management of GM foods and crops to the public, while calling the bluff of the firms, who have long claimed GM produce is harmless. Last week the European parliament's environment committee passed an amendment to an EU directive imposing full liability on the companies for damage done by their products. The amendment goes before the full parliament next month and, if passed, will be sent to EU environment ministers for approval.

Ally Against Biofoods
Thousands of Protesters Rally Before Start of Biotech Convention. Opponents of biotechnology march up Boylston Street to the Hynes Convention Center in Boston during a carnival-like rally. The convention center is hosting the Bio2000 conference, the industry's biggest conference in this country.
B O S T O N, March 26  In what organisers said was the largest demonstration ever held in the United States to protest genetic engineering of foods, up to 3,500 people marched today in Boston at the opening of Bio2000.

Boston police had geared up for Seattle-style protests that disrupted the World Trade Organization meeting in December. But after a four-hour rally and march by what police said was between 2,500 and 3,500 people, there were no arrests. "Everything was remarkably peaceful," a Boston police spokesman said.
'Don't Ask, Don't Find'
Costumed as mutant vegetables and animals, the demonstrators complained of the lack of testing and information available to consumers about genetically modified foods  especially in corn and soybean that are key components of many processed foods.

"Government and industry attitude appears to be 'Don't Ask, Don't Find,'" Ricarda Steinbrecker, a professor from the University of Liverpool in England, told the crowd gathered at Copley Square before they marched to the Hynes convention center about a quarter-mile away. The center is hosting Bio 2000, a biotechnology industry convention where some 7,000 researchers and business executives are gathered.

Steven Drucker, one of the protest organisers, estimated that 60 to 70 percent of the processed foods in the United States use genetically altered crops. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not require such foods to be labelled.

Articles Forwarded by
Veronica Griffin Ph.D..
Kerawa Qld.
10. Feedback:
Monarchy v. The Republic
Thought this may be of interest.  From today's 'Age' in Melbourne.
Blainey would make a fine Governor-General.  It's probably been considered seriously by Howard.  That would also probably be the signature mark of Howard's prime ministership -- "I appointed a Governor-General that actually understood and appreciated the office BEFORE the appointment."
I think on balance, the Crown has done well out of this tour.  The Queen still clearly has pulling power, she makes republicans weak at the knees in her presence.
Richard Wood
Too early to say goodbye
Monday 27 March 2000
Of all the royal tours to Australia in the last century and a third, this is perhaps the most unusual. Whereas the typical tour, ever since Queen Victoria's son stepped ashore in Adelaide in 1867, has been largely a celebration of present and past, this tour carries an intriguing slice of the future. Beginning only four months after the referendum on the Australian republic, this tour raises, in a gentle way, many of the public and private emotions and attitudes that clashed last November.
Contrary to predictions the visit has aroused heavy publicity. In Sydney, despite the rain, the waiting crowds were so large that the flag-sellers ran out of flags. True, the people behind the barricades look like an older version of those loyally standing there when the Queen made her first visit in 1954. Indeed, in response to interviewers, some of these onlookers said that they even send a birthday card to the Queen each year - and get a reply.
Also visible, whether in Bourke or Ballarat, are children who, when handed a microphone, express their delight to be present. There are also Polynesian, Chinese and Indian women beaming at the Queen; faces almost never visible during the 1954 tour.
Admittedly, there can never be another tour like the Queen's first, when crowds jammed the cities, and clusters of onlookers appeared at such unlikely places as country sidings and dusty level crossings as the royal train raced past. No reigning monarch had previously visited Australia, and she was young and glamorous. In 1954 there was no television; and so a sight of the Queen in person was eagerly sought.
Above all, the links and alliances with Britain were so much closer then; and several million Australians remembered how in the dark days of World War II the royal family had stayed in blitzed London, publicly inspected the bombed houses, and sympathetically chatted in the street with those who, the previous night, had lost almost everything. That royal tour was a kind of thanksgiving as well as a display of pageantry such as Australians had not seen before.
"Have you got your crown with you," one child asked the Queen at outback Bourke last week. Back in 1954 she and Prince Philip had not only brought jewels and pageantry galore but their own luxury ship.
Any comparison with her 1954 tour is therefore almost pointless. This new tour, however, has its own special atmosphere; and so the Queen's opening speech, made in Sydney with a roof rather than an umbrella over her head, was scrutinised like a family will by those who listened, or who later read her words. Would she reveal her inner views? She is so accustomed to walking the royal tightrope - indeed she is perhaps the most experienced tightrope speaker in the world - that she gave hardly a clue to what she thinks about her future as Queen of Australia. Naturally she said that "I respect and accept the outcome of the referendum", which is slightly more than has been conceded in the last four months by the country's chief republican, Malcolm Turnbull.
The Queen promised to "continue faithfully to serve as Queen of Australia under the Constitution to the very best of my ability, as I have tried to do for the past 48 years". The phrase "tried to do" was a nice touch.
She also gave a whisker of hope to the republicans who, listening to her scripted speech with impeccable courtesy, heard her utter the pregnant though vague sentence: "But we must look forward as well as back."
The sentence, on examination, is stillborn rather than pregnant, but it was probably intended as gesture to those who live in hope that this will be the last royal visit. Malcolm Turnbull made the most of this piece of dry grass that the Queen threw in the air, perhaps to test the wind, and he vowed that she in effect was conceding that the monarchy was on the way out. I read the speech three times without finding such a meaning.
Most republican leaders can't have been looking forward to the royal visit, for it reminded them of their recent defeat. And yet according to the ABC in various programs over the past week, the visit has "reignited" their cause. Whether this is true remains to be seen, but several republicans have increased their quota of public respect.
In the eyes of many, the Reverend Tim Costello now stands out as the most promising leader of the republican cause. What he said about the Queen's visit was kindly and welcoming, while at the same time he surrendered not one inch of republican ground. Moreover, he frankly used a phrase rarely if ever used by a republican leader since November. He pointed to "our failure" - the failure of the republicans - to sell and win the argument. Hitherto, most republicans in their post-mortems have singled out the Prime Minister as the scapegoat for their own defeat, forgetting that he surprisingly provided what Bob Hawke and Paul Keating in their terms of office failed to provide - a constitutional convention leading to an actual referendum. The key fact is that the republicans, being so divided, beckoned defeat. Tim Costello has the good sense to accept not only the defeat but the factors that led to defeat.
How will this tour affect the Queen of Australia? Though it has only reached half way, it shows signs of serving as a spur to the republicans. And yet they have a long road to travel. Large sectors of Australians are swinging voters on the republic and possess either no knowledge or no firm view. They have yet to be firmly persuaded.
Most Australians - contrary to what is constantly claimed - are not yet republicans. They may have told pollsters (at a time when they did not yet know what the republic meant) that they were republicans; they may some day wear the republican colours; but at present they do not. For six or more years the opinion polls had stated emphatically that Australians were republicans, but on the only day that counted - on that Saturday referendum in November - the people rejected one of the most single-minded media campaigns in the Commonwealth's history. Indeed, the margin of victory was so decisive that if it had been a normal federal election it would have been termed a "landslide" and the resultant Opposition benches would have seemed deserted.
It is slightly surprising to hear some republican leaders - now that the Queen's presence has given them a new platform - insisting that this will be the last royal tour because "most Australians" are republicans. This can hardly be true when every state voted "no", when some states had a massive vote of rejection, and when two electorates standing near the NSW-Queensland border recorded ``no" votes running close to 80 per cent.
Some republicans now wonder what they have to do persuade their own hierarchy that, for the time being at least, the republic has been soundly defeated. Moreover it is likely to be defeated again unless its leaders face reality, and forget the scapegoats and reject the easy excuses that have so far consoled them.
The Queen, while here, privately hears the views of those well-informed in Australian politics, As is proper she will meet many republicans. Perhaps Kim Beazley will tell her off the record that he intends to ask the Australian electorate - at a plebiscite costing more than $ 50 million dollars - the simple question of whether they want a republic or not. He seems to believe that a question of child-like simplicity will gain the desired result. Alas, the question will be meaningless because the Constitution can't be changed by such a vague plebiscite as distinct from a highly specific referendum.
Even if the plebiscite succeeds, Australia will remain a constitutional monarchy. But the republicans will be able to say: "We told you so: the Australian people are really republicans at heart."
The Queen, touring the country with dignity at this slightly touchy time, says that in the much-reformed monarchy she sees herself as the servant of the Australian Constitution and indeed of the people. It is fair to suggest, however, that many of Australia's republican leaders do not quite see themselves as so answerable. Hence their reluctance to accept the verdict in November and their eagerness to prove, through their decoy-duck plebiscite, that the verdict was somehow mistaken.
Of course there are valid arguments for a republic, as well as for the present system. The Queen's visit gives the republicans an incentive to spring-clean themselves and to prepare to campaign again, one day.
Meanwhile, the great majority of Australians presumably feel respect for a visitor who represents the most influential link in their country's history, the link with Britain, who has personally known more Australian governors, prime ministers and leaders of the opposition than has any living Australian, and who over the past week affirmed anew that she respects Australia's right to decide its future through "democratic and constitutional means".
11. Feedback
Subject: Jewish Civil Rights Group Condemns Reform Rabbi's "Gun Control" Stance

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

For Immediate Release: U.S. NewsWire -- National
Date:        March 20, 2000

Aaron Zelman, Executive Director
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
Hartford, Wisconsin, (262) 673-9745 / (800) 869-1884
Title: Jewish Civil Rights Group Condemns Reform Rabbi's "Gun Control" Stance
Many American Jews strongly disagree with the March 16 statement of  Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, which called for more "gun control" laws.   "Rabbi Yoffie does not speak for Jews who cherish the Bill of Rights and believe in self-defense," declares Aaron Zelman, Executive Director of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO).

According to Zelman, "It is immoral for Jews to defend evil, or to favour policies that get people murdered.  Jewish law commands Jews to defend  themselves and their families.  So-called 'gun control' laws do not stop criminals, but they do discourage or illegalize self-defense.  For Rabbi Yoffie to support victim disarmament laws is very un-Jewish and un-American."
"American soldiers, defending our Constitution, saved some unarmed Jews from annihilation during  World War II," remarks Zelman.  "When Rabbi Yoffie defiles the Bill of Rights by supporting victim disarmament laws, he spits in the eye of every veteran who liberated a Nazi death camp."

Zelman fears a backlash against all Jews because of the lobbying efforts of several national Jewish organisations.  "By working to destroy the Bill of Rights, these Jewish groups are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism.  A lot of Americans resent people like Rabbi Yoffie who fail to learn from history and who trample our fundamental rights," he says.
Rabbi Yoffie's position also divides Americans along religious lines.  "America has long held a basically Christian tradition and outlook. Most Christians value individual human life.  They understand the right and duty of self-defense," noted Zelman.  "Rabbi Yoffie and his group oppose the right of self-defense, and that shows a callous disregard of individual human lives.  Devaluing human life that way sets those Jewish groups directly against the prevailing Christian moral view, and that's a big mistake."
JPFO expects the victim disarmament lobby to try to stampede legislators into enacting more "gun laws" immediately after the next high profile case of violence.  "I expect Rabbi Yoffie to join the others dancing on the graves of murder victims to achieve the political goal of preventing people from defending themselves.  Jewish anti-self defense fanatics really disprove the idea that Jews are smart and value life."
Dear JPFO Supporters,
Please fax or e-mail copies of this press release to your local media outlets.  If everybody faxes to just one newspaper, radio or TV station, that would mean thousands more chances that JPFO's viewpoint will be transmitted to others.  Fax and e-mail are fast and almost free.  Don't wait another day ... please take this simple action right now!
If you have read "The Mitzvah", by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith, then you already understand Rabbi Yoffie's mind-set better than do most Americans. Jews and non-Jews alike can get an inside view into the anti-self defense mentality and the dangerous stupidity of some Jews and their leaders by reading "The Mitzvah".
Order a copy - it's a quick-read entertaining novel of ideas that is great for you or as a gift idea. Most importantly, The Mitzvah can help open minds for liberty and counteract Rabbi Yoffie's treacherous attack on the Bill of Rights.
The "gun control" victim disarmament lobby has launched a full court press for this year's election.  To win, gun prohibitionists must evade the question of personal self-defense.  The book "Dial 911 and Die" puts the gun prohibitionists on the defensive ... and keeps them there.  How?  By destroying the victim-making notion that "you don't need a gun for protection from criminals, all you need is a telephone to call 911."
You can use the facts from "Dial 911 and Die" to show that the government and police have no obligation to protect citizens, and therefore citizens must protect themselves.  HCI and the anti-self defense lobbyists, politicians and media figures aren't promising to protect the people they disarm.  It's a fraud and a scam, and "Dial 911 and Die" proves it beyond a doubt.  Order two copies ... one for you and one for a doubter.  All Americans must learn these facts.
Forwarded by
12. Feedback:
Positive Lifetime Attitudes.
Subject: Fwd:: Happy 2000 from the Dali Lama
...just let it soak in... Another one of those superstitious chain things, but at least this one is nice to read and has some good positive messages in it.
From the DALI LAMA: I N S T R U C T I O N S  F O R  L I F E

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three Rs: Respect for self, Respect for others and responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realise you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation.Don't bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.


0-4 people: Your life will improve slightly.
5-9 people: Your life will improve to your liking.
9-14 people: You will have at least 5 surprises in the next 3 weeks.
15 people and above: Your life will improve drastically and everything you ever dreamed of will begin to take shape.
Forwarded by
Rohan Moxley
15. Feedback:
What is the world coming to?............

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Scribe student newspaper online - student life 15 March 2000
Colorado College to Offer LegoT® Admission Exams by Steve Speece
Assembling a robot out of LegoT® building blocks is one of a dozen activities devised by Colorado College and eight other colleges across the country to replace the standard entrance exam, which CC Dean of Admissions Terry Swenson says has been a stumbling block for disadvantaged and minority students. The new examination, available only to select disadvantaged students, will attempt to measure abstract characteristics like leadership and conflict resolution rather than academic performance.
In the LegoT® test, groups of ten students are given ten minutes to construct a robot identical to one on a table in an adjacent room. They are allowed to view the robot only one at a time without taking written notes. Even if the students fail to construct an exact replica of the target robot, they will not necessarily fail the test since participants in the exam will also be evaluated on how well they work together.
"The LegosT® are a mechanism to force students to interact and see which ones emerge as leaders," said Swenson.
Colorado College and the eight other colleges participating in this program are looking to increase the enrolment of minority students. The nine schools in the pilot program will admit a total of 100 students. The students were chosen in December from a pool of 700 public high school seniors from New York. Most in the group were African-Americans or Hispanics with average grades and test scores.

[LegoT® is a registered trademark of Lego Corporation.]
Let us know what you think. Feedback is important. Comments on articles read would be of value. Do you agree / disagree? Can you add more or a different perspective. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Send this email on to as many as you can. The more that read it the merrier. In time email communication will make government censorship impractical and the newspapers will have to start reporting it as it really is, rather than the smoke and mirrors tricks they currently indulge in, or loose readership, and therefore advertising monies. While we have a long way to go before that happens, each epic journey must start with a single step.
Lets go to it.

Neil Baird
Antonia Feitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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