Hi John,
......As solicitors charge at the rate of $360.00/hr +/- perhaps not quite as bad as it might seem?  Doctors, dentists, vets, engineers and other such professionals also receive like or even greater fees.  In fairness, with the appropriate qualifications and experience, such salaries are possibly at best only  equivalent to those otherwise available to them in the public sector.  Thought exists that judges in higher jurisdictions could receive even greater salaries (as in the US) with the possibility that any improper influence by major defendant corporations becomes less likely.
However, that said, qualifications and ongoing performance of any government servant at certain salary levels should surely be open to public scrutiny?  For whatever it is worth, my strong view remains that the judicial appointment process (particularly those for the higher courts) should follow prudent US lines.  It is also my very strong belief, from experience and certain knowledge, that our judges must  be required by law to publically declare personal/ family (direct and indirect) interests/investments/assets, and where a judge has even the remotest  such  interest  or link with any matter subject of a case coming before them then this must be divulged in open court, noted on the transcript and left solely for the plaintiff, rather than the Judge, to decide whether or not they should properly hear that case:  furthermore all side and other comments, statements, particularly  "quiet instructions regarding examination of defendant witnesses", et al, from the bench must be recorded in the transcript.  Microphone "switches" behind the bench must , in the interests of honesty and justice, be removed. 
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, 2 June 2000 10:10 AM
Subject: Salaries of State Judges

Dear Fellow Australians,
As a matter of interest,  please find attached information as to the salaries of State Judges and Magistrates.
Yours faithfully,
John Wilson.

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