----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 6:44 AM
Subject: GST Action for July 1

X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thu Jun 15 21:17:49 2000
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 21:08:07 +1000
From: "Selwyn N. L. Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en]C-CCK-MCD {InternetNorth}  (Win95; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
Subject: Alternate View


Alternate View on the GST.

Much has been said about the ‘inevitable’ GST, and not much of it has
been in favour of its inception. I am also, totally and absolutely,
opposed to this despicable act against my fellow Australians. An act
being perpetrated upon us by our elected representatives in Canberra.

Since 1993, a number of Queenslanders, including myself, have
endeavoured to inform the Australian people of the, indisputable,
negative effects that a GST would deliver.

Alas, not too many people were listening and those that did said, ‘It
couldn't happen in Australia!’ Yes, those same old five words.

Over the past few months, a couple of well intentioned groups have
advocated petitions or a mandate form which, they state, will halt the
introduction of the GST.

These groups are WRONG.

Whilst I fully support their campaigns of public awareness on the
effects of this ill conceived GST, I must condemn the ultimate despair
and false hope that their proposals will bring in the aftermath of its
(the GST) introduction.

There are ONLY two (2) mandates that the party politicians understand,
and dread.

          1) A Federal Election, and
          2) A Referendum

Australia WILL achieve Taxation Reform, but not until Australians change
their entrenched voting pattern and elect INDEPENDENT Representatives
who represent the expressed majority will of the electorate, not party
hacks who represent what's in the best interests of their political
party. See the WebSite:

     http://qld.independent.north.net.au/ party_politics.html

Should you be determined and committed to assisting with the regaining
of Australia's Sovereignty and Economic Independence, then seriously
consider the following.

Make Saturday July 1st 2000, a GST FREE DAY

                         DO NOT SPEND ONE CENT!

CANCEL: Everything, your newspaper delivery, any advertisement, etc.

DO NOT BUY: Anything, milk, bread, butter, petrol, cigarettes, alcohol,

In other words, whatever you need on Saturday July 1st, BUY it on Friday
June 30th. By doing this, your local small business does not suffer
financially (and may close for the day anyway) and just imagine the
massive kick in the butt the multinationals will get!

The party politicians treat us like mugs and call us an apathetic mob
with an attention span of less than 7 days.

Well, I know what this Queenslander will do on July 1st.

How about YOU?

Selwyn Johnston



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The MORE that people learn about the denial of their 'Basic Rights'
the less they like it.

Learn MORE by contacting:

The Independent Lobby

Contact Details:
Facsimile: +61 07 4056 5550
Postal: PO Box 1919 Cairns QLD 4870

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Alternate View on the GST.

Much has been said about the ‘inevitable’ GST, and not much of it has been in favour of its inception. I am also, totally and absolutely, opposed to this despicable act against my fellow Australians. An act being perpetrated upon us by our elected representatives in Canberra.

Since 1993, a number of Queenslanders, including myself, have endeavoured to inform the Australian people of the, indisputable, negative effects that a GST would deliver.

Alas, not too many people were listening and those that did said, ‘It couldn't happen in Australia!’ Yes, those same old five words.

Over the past few months, a couple of well intentioned groups have advocated petitions or a mandate form which, they state, will halt the introduction of the GST.

These groups are WRONG.

Whilst I fully support their campaigns of public awareness on the effects of this ill conceived GST, I must condemn the ultimate despair and false hope that their proposals will bring in the aftermath of its (the GST) introduction.

There are ONLY
two (2) mandates that the party politicians understand, and dread.
1) A Federal Election, and
2) A Referendum

Australia WILL achieve Taxation Reform, but not until Australians change their entrenched voting pattern and elect INDEPENDENT Representatives who represent the expressed majority will of the electorate, not party hacks who represent what's in the best interests of their political party. See the WebSite:
http://qld.independent.north.net.au/ party_politics.html

Should you be determined and committed to assisting with the regaining of Australia's Sovereignty and Economic Independence, then seriously consider the following.

Make Saturday July 1st 2000, a GST FREE DAY


CANCEL: Everything, your newspaper delivery, any advertisement, etc.

DO NOT BUY: Anything, milk, bread, butter, petrol, cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

In other words, whatever you need on Saturday July 1st, BUY it on Friday June 30th. By doing this, your local small business does not suffer financially (and may close for the day anyway) and just imagine the massive kick in the butt the multinationals will get!

The party politicians treat us like mugs and call us an apathetic mob with an attention span of less than 7 days.

Well, I know what this Queenslander will do on July 1st.

How about YOU?

Selwyn Johnston



*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

The MORE that people learn about the denial of their 'Basic Rights'
the less they like it.

Learn MORE by contacting:

The Independent Lobby

Contact Details:
Facsimile: +61 07 4056 5550
Postal: PO Box 1919 Cairns QLD 4870

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Noel  Mc Donald

ICQ #17196729

Liberty Australia http://www.webaxs.net/~noel/
Liberty Exposure http://www.webaxs.net/~noel/exposure.htm
Mirror Site http://members.xoom.com/LibertyAust/
AustraliaGATE http://members.xoom.com/AustralGATE/

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