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                Upcoming Seminar and Workshop in Edmonton, Alberta

                                                    March 10th, 2001

Place:Varscona Hotel,8208-106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta ( old White Ave. Inn)  Rutherford Room

Guest Speakers:
*  Eldon Warman  - DeTax Canada  originator of the “Effective” Detax program  "You"
                                                             have never had to pay Income Tax in Canada

 * Fred Kyburz - Patriots On Guard   government corruption - it’s origin and it’s elimination

Saturday, March 10th: Begins at 9:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M. ( breaks for coffee, lunch and dinner)
   Seminar over at 9:00 P.M. ---- note: evening set up for private consultations

 Private consultations will be made available  Tables will also be available for marketing   educational literature, cassettes , etc.

This is aPOWER packed event and a chance to meet two of the finest Educators of   Truth, History, Contract Law, and  Canada’s Future in our time.

I urge you to attend and learn how you can make a change for the better  and to participate in the financial support of these crusaders for Truth and Rights -Information that was not available to Canadians until these men came along and were willing to sacrifice their own comforts and to ‘put their necks on the line’ to perform this task.

Our Guest Speakers are fully educated and  professional in all aspects. Open floor for questioning after each session. Sessions are 1-2 hours in length.

Cost of seminar:  $ 50.00 per person , or $ 75.00 for registrant and spouse,

Your Host: Calvin-Ronald: Clifford  has put together a day you will not forget.
Pre-registration suggested

Send payment to : Ron Clifford c/o The Canadian Highlander
                              Suite #188,  132-250 Shawville Blvd.  Calgary, Alberta   T2Y 2Z7
You will be mailed or telephoned back a confirmation of registration. Please include e-mail address if available.
      You can speak to me at  1-403-931-4058 

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