Indeed, you cannot do this merging: a ctag:Tag refers to the tagging event. So the concepts they refer to (ctag:means) might be the same, the Tags are not.


Yves Raimond wrote:

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Danny Ayers<> wrote:
Really good to see this work!

May be nothing, appears the tagging date is associated with
the tag. I assume most systems would want to infer that tags with the
same meaning were equivalent (even though this isn't specified using
IFPs or whatever). I'm a little concerned about what you'll get when
merging different doc's data with this assumption of equivalence -

<doc1> ctag:tagged [
  a ctag:Tag
  ctag:taggingDate "2009-06-12"
  ctag:means <> ] .

<doc2> ctag:tagged [
  a ctag:Tag
  ctag:taggingDate "2009-06-13"
  ctag:means <> ] .


 [  a ctag:Tag
  ctag:taggingDate "2009-06-12"
  ctag:taggingDate "2009-06-13"
  ctag:means <> ]

- which doesn't look very useful.

Yes, this indeed will give quite weird results. The tag ontology at
[1]  tackles this issue nicely, by considering a tagging event and the
tag itself as two different entities.



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