Steve Harris wrote:
On 10 Jul 2009, at 11:00, Toby Inkster wrote:

On Fri, 2009-07-10 at 10:40 +0100, Steve Harris wrote:
Personally I think that RDF/XML doesn't help, it's too hard to write
by hand.

MicroTurtle, the sloppy RDF format:


That's very interesting. I like it, but I'm not sure that it's necessarily what I would ideally like if I were coming to RDF afresh. It looks like the perl of RDF syntaxes :) Which is good for some people, but not others.

Something like NTriples + UTF-8 + @prefix could be an answer for people new to RDF. One of the problems is the various triple shortcut syntaxes we use. Either the stacked syntax of RDF/XML, or the punctuation of Turtle.

For anyone who's about to say that Turtle = ntriples + UTF-8 + @prefix - it doesn't help. The vast Majority of examples you see online use at least ; and probably [] and , too, which makes it very hard to follow. At least in my experience of introducing developers to RDF.

FWIW my experience with technically savvy but non-semweb people is that Turtle is a not only a low barrier it is a selling feature in a way that abbreviated n-triples isn't. I've people who are using RDF solely because they find Turtle a more convenient, compact notation for writing down their data than any of the (mostly XML based) alternatives they've tried.

The fact that you can use a similar notation in queries has helped too.

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